2015 Sep 26 6:27 PM
Dear All,
Model master data is not displaying in search results in /dbm/vmodel using find option. But the data is saved in table /dbm/v_model.Anone knows what the issue could be?
2015 Sep 29 9:28 AM
Hi Manasa,
Check the standard model master control value /DBM/V_VMOD_MAX_ROWS in DBM customizing:
/DBM/SPRO -> Vehicle -> Define control values -> Define model master control value
This standard control value defines value for the maximum number of rows displayed in the overview grid of transaction /DVM/VMODEL.
2015 Sep 26 8:17 PM
Hi Manasa,
Please use transaction code VELORU to Assign VMS Roles to Users who is doing the search.
2015 Sep 27 8:01 AM
Hi Manasa,
Do you first of all can see the model that you are searching in the list?
Check you might have created in the model master in a different catalog & you are searching in the different catalog.
Also do you see any error message appearing..
Check whether the model master exist in the table /DBM/V_MODEL
Sachin Balmiki
2015 Sep 28 5:40 AM
Hi Sachin,
Thanks for your response. There is no specific error message as such but search results display no hits. Other models are getting displayed. If I am creating any new model,it is not being displayed. But it is saved and exists in /dbm/v_model.
Is there any setting to be maintained for the newly created models to be displayed in search results?
2015 Sep 29 12:42 AM
2015 Sep 29 6:36 AM
Hi Manasa,
Please assign Vehicle model to VMS Roles, i.e goto transaction VELORM and maintain VMS Role QMAT, QORG for your newly created model.
And then using transaction VELORU Assign VMS Roles(QMAT & QORG) to your user/s.
Thanks & Regards,
2015 Sep 29 9:28 AM
Hi Manasa,
Check the standard model master control value /DBM/V_VMOD_MAX_ROWS in DBM customizing:
/DBM/SPRO -> Vehicle -> Define control values -> Define model master control value
This standard control value defines value for the maximum number of rows displayed in the overview grid of transaction /DVM/VMODEL.
2015 Oct 07 6:27 PM
Hi Joachim,
I would like to add that actual Issue was due to TREX . Indexing for Business object DBMMODEL has to be set in COM_SE_ADMIN in DBM 800(as suggested by you) and delta loading and full loading has to be run to solve the issue