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No further action can be executed for the selected vehicles

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Gurus,

I have a requirement to implement SAP VMS for one of our clients. I have create vehicle model and the same is appearing in VELO "Find" tab. But when i click action tab. I get the below message

"No further action can be executed for the selected vehicles".

I am trying to create a vehicle and unable to do so. Kindly guide me to  clear this error and processed.

Thanks in Advance.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Gurus,

I have exactly same issue. What I did:

1. Create VEHI material, split valuation, batch management per mentioned in online help

2. Create configuration profile for the material, no bom explosion

3. Create my new action control matrix with standard actions like CREA

4. Assign VMS roles models to control matrix

in VELO initial screen I could see my moduel, but I can't perform any action.

Any help?



0 Kudos

Hi Guys,

I would suggest you follow the below link.

Vehicle Management System (IS-A-VMS) - SAP Library

Kindly proceed as below.

1- Complete Variant configuration setup for each Model.

2- Configure the required Action Control and Action Matrices.

3- Extend Authorization to VMS roles as per requirement.

     - Organisation Role

     - Model Role

     - Configuration role

Organisation and Model role is mandatory for processing.

4- Link Vehicle Model with Action Control.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,

Hemanta Kumar    

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Leo & Sreedhar

Please go to transaction VELOS.

Assign the vehicle model to primary & secondary action control.

You can view the standard delivered action control at transaction OVELO11.


Sachin Balmiki