2014 Aug 08 2:42 AM
I am a CRM Consultant and working on a CRM VMS integration scenario, wherein BP(End customer) is created in VMS system and this will be replicated to SAP CRM system which has duplicate check active. However we would like to perform the duplicate check within VMS System, so that it checks against existing BP records in BUT000 of VMS System.
Can you share your experience in performing the same?
2014 Aug 13 1:46 AM
2014 Aug 13 6:42 AM
You have to make some Unique ID of customer to be entered while creation & use enhancement to perform the duplicate check against that ID.
2014 Aug 18 5:54 AM
to be frank.. i couldn t understand what you said.. can you be brief enough ?
2014 Aug 18 7:59 AM
In VMS you have option to create an end customer or to use the existing one, when you click on create new end customer at that time if you are entering detail same as exiting customer system will prompt you and suggest it already exist.
So please check what fields are unique to a customer in your system, and it can be point of validation to implement this restriction.
2014 Aug 18 9:10 AM
this is exactly what I was saying...Unique ID can be mobile number / PAN card number / Passport number / Personal Identification Number / Licence Number ..
2014 Aug 19 6:54 AM
Thanks Ritesh/Ganesh.
Yes i understand that we can make certain fields which needs to be validated/checked during customer/bp creation process.
Customer 1 : Already exists in VMS DB.
First Name: Steve
Last name: Jobs
Mobile: 868686
BP ID/Customer No : 100
Customer 2: Being created by user in VMS DB
First name: Steve
Last name: jobs
Mobile: 868686
Email: Steve.jobs321@apple.com
Based upon tolerance set by business, system will display a pop up with duplicate message....
User can ignore the message and continue creating new customer/bp record or user can make use of BP/customer 100......
This is how duplicate check works in the CRM System....
Note: when system tries to find the potential duplicate , it is not actually checking in CRM DB, but in TREX.....
So can we achieve similar functionality in SAP VMS System ? if yes....can you please provide config steps or any BADI or user exit ..etc.....
Hope i am clear...
Thanks again for your suggestions.
Best Regards
2014 Aug 19 8:51 AM
Thanks for providing a very clear example on what you are looking for.
Creating end customer is not a in built function VMS own's , its as goo das creating a new BP using transaction BP0, so please check available BAdI's related to BP0.
with my qucik google i was able to locate few replies on SCN , please check link may be you can locate the one you are looking for.
2014 Aug 21 2:06 AM
Thanks Ritesh.. but again the links are pointing to SAP CRM....however i will ask my developers to dig further... I am still expecting if any one has implemented it in SAP VMS exclusively...
2014 Aug 21 2:42 PM
I hope you got it clear, when you say Business partner in VMS (End customer) you are refering to same BP created in ECC through CRM or ECC to CRM, VMS doesnt have seprate data base for maintaining this end customer, when ever we do create end customer in VMS we are actialy creating it in ECC space where VMS is being activated.
This the only difference, CRM & ECC 2 sperate boxes, VMS & ECC same box., so in second case we dont need to pass changes or new updates to another module.
2014 Aug 25 6:40 AM
Just an addition to Ritesh remarks, there is a configuration for duplicate checks in ECC itself, where you could setup your dependent table, fields, and thresholds. You could explore those. Both VMS and CRM uses the same concept of Business Partners.
VMS itself does not have a dedicated BP maintenance, it will just integrate with other modules in ERP.