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DBM Time recording Event type sequence

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Experts, Is it possible to define the sequence for time recording event types in standard? Currently we are able to perform the end order event before the Start order event. The entry gets stored in table /DBM/TM_TEVENT. Another example is - We can perform the Clock Out event type before Clock IN. These event types should be in sequence. System should not allow to perform Clock Out if Clock IN has not happened for the day. Is there any way out to fulfill the above requirement. Kindly suggest. Regards, T.R.S.Praveen


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Try below suggestion, in my opinion there isn't a standard config to define the sequence since there cannot be a fixed sequence since requirement might differ from customer to customer:

When time events are entered at DBM time recording terminals, the system logs a time event for a personnel number in a first step, and in a second step CATS data records are created from the sequence of the logged time events.

You can influence the posting of time events of a DBM time recording terminal in CATS by using the BAdI /DBM/BADITM_TEVENT_PROC.

You can use the BAdI method ACTION_AFT_CHECK_TIME_EVENTS to process the CATS records generated from the time events before they are saved to the database. The method supplies the current personnel number, the current terminal key and the affected time events for information purposes; you can change the proposed CATS records that are to be saved.


Sachin Balmiki