2009 Sep 27 8:34 AM
Hello all,
We do the DBM Time booking on the item level. When I execute the event TIME_CONFIRM_CAN nothing happens. The note 1251754 is also implemented, but no change.
I would ideally like to get the CO documents canceled with TIME_BOOK_CAN event. Is it possible or is the event just resets the status?. Please let me know
Thanks in advance
2009 Oct 04 1:10 PM
The Time Booking Cancellation just resets the status and does not cancel any CO or CATSDB table entries.
2009 Oct 05 9:58 AM
Hi Shaf,
you are absolutely right.
The Action TIME_CONFIRM_CAN is made just to cancel the order status TIMEBOOK_CONFIRM. If you want to cancel or change time stamps you must do it via the transaction CAT2. All CO postings are done via CAT7.