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Claim notifications from dealer portal in SAP

Former Member
0 Kudos


Kindly provide your suggestions for the below requirement to be implemented.

We are using automotive dealer portal 7 where business function warranty management is not enabled as it will be handled in some other system.

we use using only spare parts sales in business function.

Now the requirement here is for "non warranty claim" which will be recorded at the dealer portal.Once the claims are recorded at the dealer portal claim will be created in sap (Please note no orders are generated in sap at this point). next step will be the first level of validation which will be done in SAP for the claim.If the claim is rejected in SAP the dealer portal will be updated on the claim status .If accepted further process for returns etc will be carried out in SAP.

Please suggest how do we recieve the inital claim recorded in dealer portal in SAP.Should be create a Z table in sap ? if yes how will the actions be perfomed for accept and reject? Or is there any other way of receving notifications in sap for claims where actions can be perfomed?


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Arnima,

The requirement is not very clear to me, firstly you say that Warranty Claim function is not done on SAP Portal & on the other hand you want them to submit "non warranty claim".

What are these non warranty claim which you want to create in SAP Portal & then create in SAP in WTY?


Sachin Balmiki

0 Kudos

Hi Sachin,

For warranty claims we have a seperate legacy system in place.

For non warranty spare parts process the dealer will record the claim at dealer web portal which will reach sap.Here I want to know how to we receicve this info in sap from portal and what can be done to store the claim recived and take appropriate action on it i.e accpet/reject etc

0 Kudos

Hi Arnima,

If you other legacy system for claim processing then it slightly complicated. If you have SAP Warranty Configured on SAP system then you can create a warranty claim by creating an upload program which intern would call the BAPI_WARRANTYCLAIM_CREATE. Then this upload program can be given an i-view on SAP Portal.

However if you are processing the warranty claims in legacy system & you only want to process spare parts related claim to pay to dealer then, I would suggest you to go by the Notification & sales order process.

You create front end page for the dealer to fill on the portal or create an upload to give an i-view. Create a service notifications from this data by calling transaction or by developing a wraper function module of BAPI "BAPI_ISUSMNOTIF_CREATEMULTIPLE" & create a sales order & bill the sales order to pay the money to dealers.


Sachin Balmiki

0 Kudos

Hi Arnima,

Have you tried the solution option?


Sachin Balmiki

0 Kudos

Hi Sachin,

We are looking for a similar process of receving notification is SAP from Dealer portal , then validating the same in SAP on the notofication recived and alter if validation is successful create return oredrs in SAP.

Can you please explain your proposal in detail on the suggested BAPI as to how do we link the bapi with dealer portal non warranty iview and later link the notofication to return order in sap?

0 Kudos

Hi Arnima,

The proposal is to create a screen in SAP & create an I-view on the same.

This screen will have the option to fill in the details of the claim creation & in the back end do the validations of the data while input & this inturn calls the function modules to create a notification & sales order with the reference sales order.

BAPI_ISUSMNOTIF_CREATEMULTIPLE- using this BAPI you can create a notification & create the sales order of the parts to be paid to the dealers & create the billing document of the same using the SD route.

To best understand my approach try creating a notification in IW51 transaction & then use the menu bar to create sales order against the same.

The task is mainly to develop a custom screen development to call this standard objects & create screen validations / back end validations during save function.


Sachin Balmiki