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alternative items group in iPPE PVS

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi gurus,

I have a question concerning alternative items group in iPPE product variant stricture.

I see this field, but how can I use it?

In classic BOM (CS02 t-code) togetrer with this field also exists a rules how to determine one of seferal alternative positions.

In PVS - no rules.

(see image attached)

How should I build iPPE-PVS if I have several alternative positions?

How this field (alternative items group) could help me?

Thank you!

Best regards,



Former Member
0 Kudos

Alternative item groups in iPPE won't affect system behaviour, except for CO explosion procedures in method EXPL_HANDLE_APG of BADI IPPE_EXPL. As far as I understand the logic, non-stockable MPN material will be deleted from explosion results, if reference to stockable material is presented in material master for it.

0 Kudos

Hi Matvey

I have the same scenario and looking for a solution . Can you share the solution if you found out already?