2014 Mar 05 5:57 AM
Hi Experts,
I am trying to create a vehicle in /DBM/VM transaction code. While I am saving, getting an error like "Action Create Vehicle with Internal Order (DBM) has not been executed".
We have maintained all the relevant configurations in VELORO, VELORM, VELORU transactions.
Note: The Action profile "QCRE" in not existing in VELO transaction.
Please help us at the earliest, we will reward accordingly.
2014 Mar 05 6:35 AM
In this situation please check the configuration where in whether the action is been enabled for DBM.
Follow the path
/DBM/SPRO--> Vehicle--> Vehicle Master--> Object Control Vehicle--> Define VMS Action
Check whether the action QCRE is been defined as both VMS & DBM.
Sachin Balmiki
2014 Mar 07 4:08 AM
Hi Sachin,
Thank you for your inputs. The action QCRE is is defined as both VMS & DBM.
2014 Mar 17 10:49 AM
Hi Naga,
If you are not sure where exactly the error is creeping in try below.
1. Create Vehicle in VMS first. Then use VSEARCH and use the Internal veh number. Try to enable this Vehicle in DBM. This will tell you whether the issue is with Vehicle Actions or DBM Configuration settings.
2. Check config in DBM for Vehicle Master like Internal Order settings, Function Modules etc.
2014 Mar 17 10:21 AM
Hi Experts,
Kindly help us in resolving the above issue.
In /DBM/SPRO--> Vehicle --> Define controll Values --> Define vehicle creation controll value,
I have maintained the settings like this.
/DBM/V_ACT_CREALV Vehicle Action Fast Creation QCLV
/DBM/V_ACT_CREATE Action: Gen. Vehicle Creation QCRE
Even then, while creating a vehicle master in /DBM/VM transaction i am getting an error like
"Action Create vehicle with Internal Order was not executed".
later, I tried to change the settings as below,
/DBM/V_ACT_CREALV Vehicle Action Fast Creation QCLV
/DBM/V_ACT_CREATE Action: Gen. Vehicle Creation CREA
This time, while creating vehicle, i am getting an error like, "Action create vehicel configurable was not executed".
Kidnly let us know..Whether the problem is existing in Controll Object. If not let me know any relavent settings are missing.
Please help us.
Note: The description of Actions are
QCRE - Create vehicle with internal Order.
CREA - Create Vehicle Configurable.
Thanks & Regards,
Nagaprasadreddy polu
2014 Mar 19 3:39 PM
in transaction /DBM/VM the interlinking action QCRV with primary actions QCRE and QIOG has to be triggered.
Therefore in DBM customizing QCRV has to be assigned:
/DBM/SPRO -> Vehicle -> Define control values -> Define vehicle creation control value
Select /DBM/V_ACT_CREATE and assign QCRV