2014 Jul 01 8:03 AM
Hey Experts,
When I change the account assignment group (AcctAssgGr) in DBM order split screen for the customer in the transaction level it is not taking the changed accont assignment group. Basically I want to overwrite the account assignment group given in the customer master record. Please advice.
This requirment is basically since the customer is defined as a credit customer, but at times the customer will have cash sale transactions as well. Thus the account that needs to be posted is different. For this I need to change the account assignment group in the transaction level without changing the master record.
Hope the question is clear.
2014 Jul 01 10:59 AM
Hi Hussain,
According to standard process flow, the account assignment group flow from the customer master in the order, However the field is editable in the order at split, user can overwrite the same inside the order.
Please check whether you have done any kind of custom development in this area earlier to restrict the change of account assignment group.
Sachin Balmiki
2014 Jul 01 12:39 PM
Hey Sachin
There is no customer development done. Have you tried using the account assignment group in the transaction level in any scenarios before ? Is there any configuration that I need to do in order to allow transaction level account assignment group ?
2014 Jul 02 7:25 AM
Hi Hussain,
There is no configuration as such, this is a standard process of overwriting the value in the order.
Sachin Balmiki
2014 Jul 03 10:58 AM
Hi Hussain,
Could you check if you have changed the AAG from Payer / Sold-to?
The AAG you see on the split screen comes from the Payer, not any other partner functions.
Account assignment Category (AAC) has some configuration, but Account assignment group (AAG) comes from the Customer Master.
Let me know if you are referering to AAC / AAG?
Thanks and regards,
2014 Jul 04 10:14 AM
Hi Harsha,
How do I check if it is AAG is changed from payer/Sold to ?
I'm referring to AAG.
2014 Jul 06 9:06 AM
Hi Hussain,
On the split tab, what you see is the Account Assignment Group (AAG) which pulls in the AAG from the Payer, which you enter on the Customer field of the Split.
Like in SD, even here, you would see all 4 mandatory partner functions (Sold to, Ship to, Bill to & Payer).
If you test with an example (if the account groups are already there, then create a single sold to without any other partner functions / use a different payer than what you have from sold-to on order and then check), you would be able to realize that, you cannot create a split to sold to (if this sold-to has no payer assigned on the BP/Customer Master). That would help you determine if the AAG is getting populated from Sold to / payer.
I hope this helps.
2014 Jul 24 8:53 AM
Hey Harsha
Thanks for the reply.
I tried assigning a different payer to the customer master, in that case AAG value is taken from the payer. But still when I change the value in DBM Order transaction level the changes I make to AAG is not reflecting in the billing document.
Please advice.
2014 Jul 24 9:34 AM
Go to docflow of DBM and open the billing document and select enviroment->Acc.Determ.Analysis->Revenu Account. Here you can check the account determination procedure and find why different G/L is getting selected. 1. May be because in access sequence of Acc. Determin Procedure, data from AAG is not considered in first step. Or 2. you can see that correct AAG value is not passed ..please check let me know what is the case
2014 Jul 24 10:01 AM
Hey Ganesh
Different GL is getting selected since AAG is wrong, the AAG value that is entered in the DBM order screen is not taken to billing document. It takes the value that is available in customer master.
2014 Jul 24 10:13 AM
HI Hussain,
I can see couple of situations here:
Please check those.
BR, Harsha
2014 Jul 24 10:55 AM
Hey Harsha
How do I check whether any screen variants created and used in DBM screen and whether any Badi written. I'm relatively new to SAP.
2014 Jul 24 10:57 AM
If you could check with any developer there at your premise, they will check this for you.
It is kind of lengthy process to explain over a forum.
2014 Jul 24 9:17 PM
So you are able to change the AAG at split level and it is saved properly?
2014 Jul 25 12:59 PM
yes I found that this is standard behavior programmed, i.e. AAG is picked from customer master while passing to billing document. Only way I think is to use user exit
Below is sample code:
DATA: lo_order TYPE REF TO /dbm/cl_order.
if xkomfkgn-/dbm/vbeln IS NOT INITIAL.
and xkomfkgn-/dbm/splnr IS NOT INITIAL.
PERFORM get_order_object_for_billing IN PROGRAM /dbm/saplorder_int
USING fkomfkgn-/dbm/vbeln
CHANGING lo_order.
CHECK lo_order IS BOUND.
* transport charg from order item to the invoice
READ TABLE lo_order->MT_SPLHDR_COM WITH KEY vbeln = fkomfkgn-/dbm/vbeln
SPLNR = fkomfkgn-/dbm/splnr
ASSIGNING <ls_splhdr>.
VBRK-ktgrd = <ls_splhdr>-ktgrd.
2014 Jul 09 12:23 PM