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1. WTY - Warranty Claim

2. WTYAUT – Authorization

3. WTYRCL - Maintain Recall

4. WTYOQ - Worklist Warranty

5. WTYSE - Search Claim

6. WTYRP - Warranty: Part to Be Returned

7. WTYCL - Create Credit Memo Lists

8. WTYOR - Execute Report

9. WTYMP - Mass Change Warranty Claim

10. WTYMP_A - Mass Change Warranty Claim Admin. Tools

11. WTY_UPROF - Assign User Profiles (Warranty)

12. WTYSC_WWB - Warranty workbench

13. WTYDBSHOW - Warranty Claim: Table Display

14. WTY_SARA - Archive Warranty Claim

15. WTY_ARCHIV - Display Archived Warranty Claim

16. WTYNK - Number Range Warranty Claim


17. WYP1 - Create Condition

18. WYP2 - Change Condition

19. WYP3 - Display Condition


20. WYN1 - Create Message: Warranty

21. WYN2 - Change Message: Warranty

22. WYN3 - Display Message: Warranty


23. OWTY - Customizing Warranty

Processing Control

24. WTY_VSR_ACTIVE - Activate Validation / Substitution

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Great article!