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IDoc (Intermediate Document) is a standard data structure for electronic data interchange (EDI) between application programs written for the popular SAP business system or between an SAP application and an external program.

The methodology Just In Time Manufacturing, that primarily minimizes flow and response times within automotive production system requires only one IDoc. To configure that IDoc follow the below mentioned steps.

Step 1: Definition of Partner Profile

The JIT Inbound is from the supplier perspective wherein information is received by the customer. Hence, the customer is a partner and we need to define a partner profile for the same via WE20 transaction.

Here, we see that the customer QEXCLNT910 is defined with Partner Status A under Classification tab. There are several Inbound and Outbound parameters listed. They indicate as to what type of IDocs can be received by and sent to the customer. Since JIT Inbound is viewed from a supplier perspective, the JIT calls (SEQJIT), Delivery schedules (DELINS) are maintained under inbound parameters.

Further, the inbound parameter SEQJIT is as below. The IDoc message type SEQJIT is mapped to a process code SJCL. The process code is responsible for invoking the function module responsible for processing the IDoc of this message type. Here the process code SJCL is mapped to the function IDOC_INPUT_SEQJIT.

Step 2: Definition of Process Code

Process code SJCL for IDoc of type SEQJIT must be maintained as an entry in TEDE2 table.

Step 3: Definition of Port

Define a Transactional RFC port with the naming convention (SAP + System ID). Suppose, the system ID is QEX, then the receiver port should be SAPQEX. Provide RFC destination as System ID with client, say QEXCLNT910.

Step 4: View existing IDoc

Go to transaction WE02 and click on execute to view a list of existing IDocs.

Double click on a IDoc to view its details.

Double click on Control Record to check Type, Partner and other information.

Ensure that Recipient Port is SAP + System ID (SAPQEX in this case), and Partner Number is System ID with client (here QEXCLNT910). The same details must appear for Sending port as well.

If any difference is noticed, go to SE11 transaction and change the value in EDIDC table.

Step 5: Process IDoc

Go to BD87 transaction and execute after providing IDoc number. Select the IDoc node and click on Process.

If everything goes right, the IDoc will be passed successfully to the application. If not, go to transaction WE19. Provide the IDoc number and execute. Select the header node E1KSJCL and click on Standard Inbound.

Click on the green tick button to get the success notification.

If anything goes wrong, once again select the header node E1KSJCL and click on Inbound Function Module. Enter IDOC_INPUT_SEQJIT as Function Module name and process the transaction in background. This will run the function module manually and pass the IDoc successfully to the application. Follow this path, only if the first way fails.

To immediately check the status, you could go back and the newly created IDoc number would be filled up. The status ‘53’ indicates that the IDoc was processed successfully. The JIT call can be viewed in the JITM (JIT monitor) transaction. It shows that the JIT Call was created successfully.

With this, IDoc configuration for JIT gets completed.
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I have to say , it's an impressive and great sharing for everybody !!


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