+++ ATTENTION: Date changed to Monday, July 24th, 2023 (4:00 pm - 4:45 pm CEST) +++
Updated zoom link: https://sap-se.zoom.us/j/96903567331?pwd=Q2kxQjltMzZQdWxobTgvK3BlaUptdz09
Problem solving is a key skill that everyone can benefit from; whether inexperienced or an industry veteran. Join @David_Chaviano & Joanna Moore as they talk about problem solving in the professional environment and contribute to the conversation!
Topics to be discussed:
Do you have your own problem solving story to share? Tell us in the comments below or start a discussion in the beginner corner!
I look forward to the event!
Thanks for sharing your interest, @F_M. Please note that unfortunately, we needed to postpone this session to Monday, July 24th. I hope that timeslot suits you as well!
Thanks for your understanding.
Yes, @ipinia! @David_Chaviano will share the recording with you 🙂
@David_Chaviano thank you for organizing the programme. Please can you share the recording of both episodes 1 and 2 with me
@lenastodal @Kris-K @F_M @ipinia
Here is the recording for the event! Apologies for the delay!