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SAP Build Apps: Inline Frame remove sandbox attribute

0 Kudos

Hi all,

i want to create an app, where visitors can do a "self" check-in.

Therefore they have to read a pdf-file for safety instructions.
The Browser runs on Kiosk mode, so the modal PDF-Preview is not that great for my use case.

Thats why I've created a small http server which hosts the pdf-file localy to display it.

In my SAP Build App I tried to display the pdf via the Inline Frame (iFrame), but Chrome is everytime saying, that it is blocked by Chrome:

"This site was blocked by Chrome""This site was blocked by Chrome"

I found out, that this has to do with the sandbox attribute of the HTML iFrame.
It sets the sandbox attribute everytime, as well when I'm not setting anything:


It also not works, when I am adding every value:
allow-downloads allow-forms allow-modals allow-orientation-lock allow-pointer-lock allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-presentation allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-storage-access-by-user-activation Experimental allow-top-navigation allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation allow-top-navigation-to-custom-protocols

When I remove the sandbox attribute by myself in the developer console, and right clicking "reload frame", it is showing my pdf like it should 🙂


Is there a way to remove the attribute? Or a workaround for that?






I found a solution for my use-case 🙂 

For everybody who is interessted, I did it by using an iframe and using pdf.js to render the pdf by myself:

Configuration in SAP Build Apps:

Use component inline frame:

  • set values in the sandbox field.
    • For my use case "allow-scripts" (needed to use javascript) is everything I need
  • In the srcdoc value you can paste your complete html file, which can also include a script to render the pdf


My html file:

<script src=""></script>
		<div >
			<p style="max-width: fit-content; margin: auto;"></p>
			<canvas id="pdfCanvas" style="border-style: solid; border-width: 2px;"></canvas>
			<div style="max-width: fit-content; margin: auto; margin-top: 20px;">
				<button id="btnPrevious" style="width: 100px;">Previous</button>
				<button id="btnNext" style="width: 100px;">Next</button>
			var pdf;
			var pageNr = 1;
			var maxPages = 0;
			var url= "<yourURL>/example.pdf";

			window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init);

			function init() {
				document.getElementById('pdfCanvas').addEventListener('click', nextPage);
				document.getElementById('btnNext').addEventListener('click', nextPage);
				document.getElementById('btnPrevious').addEventListener('click', previousPage);

			function nextPage() {
				if(pageNr >= maxPages) {
					throw new Error(`Reached end of pdf file (Site ${pageNr}/${maxPages})`);
				else {

			function previousPage() {
				if (pageNr == 1) {
					throw new Error(`Reached beginning of pdf file`);
				else {
			pdfjsLib.getDocument(url).promise.then((pdf) => {
				this.pdf = pdf;
				maxPages = pdf.numPages;


			function renderPage(pdf) {
				pdf.getPage(pageNr).then((page) => {
					var scale = 1;
					var viewport = page.getViewport({ scale: scale });

					var canvas = document.getElementById('pdfCanvas');
					var context = canvas.getContext('2d');

					canvas.width = viewport.width;
					canvas.height = viewport.height;

					var renderContext = {
						canvasContext: context,
						viewport: viewport
				}).catch((err) => {
					console.log('ERROR: ' + err);

 The width/height can changed set by using the scale value.

It is also possible to create a pdf from base64. For that have a look here: