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Problems with the new SAP build service

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I don't know where to get help, because it seems that SAP has no direct support, at least not for Appgyver users! So I hope to get some hints on how to proceed here: I managed to upload almost the whole Appgyver android package (app id 106287, version 3.0.1) to the renewed SAP build service until it stopped with an error.                                                                                                                                                                     I didn't have any problems with the old build service I used in July 2024.
I decided to make a second try by choosing the option "new configuration" - reloaded the necessary certificates I used before - also chose "custom assets", gave the passwords etc.
but the build process still stopped in error after about 80%.
Attached you find the generated report files of both tries (looks like identical).
Please advice me. What is wrong? How should I proceed?


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The keystore file I used for a successful build last July has no values for Subject and Issuer (Unknown). I wonder if the new SAP Build service is more strict about this?