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iOS build fails


Peace. This is the first iOS build after moving from AppGyver. App Store Distribution Certificate & Provisioning are both valid & unchanged from last successful build on 2024/11/10. Please advise ASAP. Thank you...

The error message follows:

Troubleshooting Tips:
The certificate in use is not a valid iOS distribution certificate. It should match Team ID "7HD3HFC9Z8".

Runtime version: 4.9.201;
AB version: 2.1.14
npxrnv export -p ios -s standalone_appstore -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/orchestra-template-standalone@4.9.201 -r --xcodebuildArchiveArgs "OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS=\"--keychain\ AppGyver-51820\""
Command failed with exit code 1: npx rnv export -p ios -s standalone_appstore -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/orchestra-template-standalone@4.9.201 -r --xcodebuildArchiveArgs "OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS=\"--keychain\ AppGyver-51820\""

SAP Build Apps 


0 Kudos

Are you still having problems or has it started working now? 


Yes, problem persists until 2024/04/07, 1:21:03 AM!


@MaiaraEllwanger can you help with this persistent issue?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


the development team is looking into it. Will update asap.


0 Kudos

@SeifEldin you built in Runtime version: 4.9.201have you tried it with 4.9.218? If not, can you try it to see if the problem persists?


@MaiaraEllwanger, yes I did several times but to no avail! Last build attempt was at: 4/11/2024, 10:49:28 PM


Same problem here..

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi @Alek  do you mind sharing the error message here as well?

0 Kudos

Sure, my tip is:

The certificate in use is not a valid iOS distribution certificate. It should match Team ID "ZWQ5SQ57W4".


and my error is:

Runtime version: 4.9.218; AB version: 2.1.14COMMAND:
npxrnv export -p ios -s standalone_appstore -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/orchestra-template-standalone@4.9.218 -r --xcodebuildArchiveArgs "OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS=\"--keychain\ AppGyver-72867\""
Command failed with exit code 1: npx rnv export -p ios -s standalone_appstore -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/orchestra-template-standalone@4.9.218 -r --xcodebuildArchiveArgs "OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS=\"--keychain\ AppGyver-72867\""




0 Kudos

Maybe some of you can help me.

I am trying to compile using the iOS distribution certificate generated online at but I am never asked to set any password for this certificate.

At this point, I think the problem is this: how do I create the certificate with password?


Thank you all!


Respectfully, I don't fully understand your question, whether you mean adding a password to an existing certificate, which I don't how or if even possible, or you would like to create a new certificate with a password, in which case the following should be helpful (as suggested by old AppGyver's IOS builds - Build - Distribute😞

Hope this helps…

0 Kudos

That definitely helped me a lot, thank you very much.

Now, when I try to get my iOS build I no longer get TIPs but only the following error, how can I fix it?



Runtime version: 4.9.218;
AB version: 2.1.14

npxrnv export -p ios -s standalone_appstore -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/orchestra-template-standalone@4.9.218 -r --xcodebuildArchiveArgs "OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS=\"--keychain\ AppGyver-72867\""


Command failed with exit code 1: npx rnv export -p ios -s standalone_appstore -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/orchestra-template-standalone@4.9.218 -r --xcodebuildArchiveArgs "OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS=\"--keychain\ AppGyver-72867\""

Can someone please help me?

0 Kudos

@MaiaraEllwanger, please, is it possible, somehow, to get more information from the compilation error? I can't compile the iOS version and I really don't know how to intervene to solve my problem.

I assume it is not a "code" problem: the Android version compiles (and works) perfectly.

Does anyone please know if there is a way to ask for "verbose" compilation?

Thank you all.

0 Kudos

Well, that's the original topic of this thread.

According to @MaiaraEllwanger, we're awaiting feedback from SAP developers already working on the issue for over a month now... 

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

@Alek  can you confirm if you tried the steps above? 
Or maybe re-uploading the build configuration, especially the distribution certificate (.p12 file)? 


Yes, @MaiaraEllwanger, thanks, i succeded in uploading the right certificates: i have no TIPs now in my error response.


0 Kudos

How did you get it resolved? My certificates are valid but I'm getting the same error

0 Kudos

Unfortunately, I have not solved it.
Even though my certificates are now valid, I still get the same error too.

I am here to see if there is a way to request a more verbose compilation, just to see where the problem is, because, as it is, it's impossible to make corrections.

Or if someone please who can provide some kind of support.

0 Kudos

Hi, I'm aware it's not under the right section but im finding navigation very confusing on SAP forum (comparing to old Appgyver forum) . Just would like to leave a note that scroll view plays on formatting (gaps ,spacing beetwen objects etc) since last update ... week ago or so. 

I would also like to know if you could provide packed old forum to download please.

Kind regards

0 Kudos

@MaiaraEllwanger, problem still persists with runtime version: 4.9.259. Last build attempt was at:  4/29/2024, 9:06:39 PM

0 Kudos

Same here also with Runtime Version 4.9.259:

Runtime version: 4.9.259;
AB version: 2.1.14

npxrnv export -p ios -s standalone_appstore -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/orchestra-template-standalone@4.9.259 -r --xcodebuildArchiveArgs "OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS=\"--keychain\ AppGyver-72867\""


Command failed with exit code 1: npx rnv export -p ios -s standalone_appstore -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/orchestra-template-standalone@4.9.259 -r --xcodebuildArchiveArgs "OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS=\"--keychain\ AppGyver-72867\""

0 Kudos

Hi, I´m having the same problem too, my build is for Android, the keystore, alias and password are correct, but I´m getting this error:


Runtime Version: 4.9.259
Status: error
Queued at: 1/5/2024, 23:22:00
Build ID: 25323


Runtime version: 4.9.259;
AB version: 2.3.0


NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=16000 npxrnv export -p android -s standalone -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/orchestra-template-standalone@4.9.259 -r


Command failed with exit code 1: npx rnv export -p android -s standalone -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/orchestra-template-standalone@4.9.259 -r



0 Kudos

@MaiaraEllwangeri'm facing the same issue also with the new runtime version 4.9.260.

Please, I need to know where I am going wrong.

I can't do anything if I don't know the nature of the problem.


Runtime version: 4.9.260;
AB version: 2.1.14

npxrnv export -p ios -s standalone_appstore -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/orchestra-template-standalone@4.9.260 -r --xcodebuildArchiveArgs "OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS=\"--keychain\ AppGyver-72867\""


Command failed with exit code 1: npx rnv export -p ios -s standalone_appstore -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/orchestra-template-standalone@4.9.260 -r --xcodebuildArchiveArgs "OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS=\"--keychain\ AppGyver-72867\""


@Alek I've got me resolved! I have no clue what fixed it exactly but here is what I did:
1. Recreated my p12 certificate (Make sure its password sealed)
2. Made sure the email associated with my certificate matches my admin email in Apple Developer (not sure if that matters but I was just trying everything)
3. Changed the name of my application when configuring the Build (Made sure to not use any special characters like "&")

And it worked! Good luck.

0 Kudos

@MaiaraEllwanger, @AmgadAlamin. Unfortunately, that didn't work for me!

I've tried different combinations of:

  • Creating & using a new distribution certificate (with a new passworded .p12)
  • Creating & using a new provisioning profile
  • Changing app display name (without any special or even non-latin characters)

but the problem still persists with runtime version: 4.9.260. Last build attempt was at:  5/3/2024, 1:55:18 AM!

That's getting really frustrating.

Awaiting your reply impatiently @MaiaraEllwanger. Thank you…

0 Kudos

Well, okay, it looks like I finally succeeded in compiling my app!

  • I started all over again on Apple app store connect: removed all certificates and even deleted the draft app.
  • I created a new app with a different bundle identifier and with the Display Name without spaces this time.
  • Then new provisioning file and new .p12 certificate.

I can't say exactly which of these was the solution to my problem but I was now able to upload my build to TestFlight.

I hope I can be of help to some of you!

0 Kudos

@MaiaraEllwanger. My attempts included:

  • I went as far as to creating .p12 / certificate / provision profile from scratch several times, both on Windows (Win 11) & Mac (updated to macOS 14)* even after deleting previous certificate / provision profiles. I even tried using Apple Distribution instead of iOS Distribution.
  • I checked & double-checked my developer's name & email to be consistent with Apple's developer profile.
  • I changed the app display name (without any special or even non-Latin characters).

All to no avail!

The only remaining options are to:

  • Change my app bundle identifier.

But this would imply being identified as a new app by users (my app is about 2 years old now with over 50 updates). Also, that would be different from &roid's bundle identifier, causing inconsistent branding.

  • Create a new app & change my app bundle identifier.

Again, the previous logic applies here, with the additional loss of code changes log!

I contacted Apple from the very beginning, & they denied any possible cause on their side, to my understanding of course.

So, with all due respect, there's a missing link here for the app built to be working before on all platforms but failing now after moving to SAP without any change on my side, either significant code change or certificate / provision profile. It's more like a bug with app building's cache or similar…

The problem persisted with runtime version: 4.9.260. Last build attempt was at:  5/5/2024, 3:25:56 AM!

Still awaiting your reply / advice impatiently. Thank you…

* I do realize that the compilation occurs server-side, but this error is seemingly illogical, so I'm trying illogical ideas, too.


@MaiaraEllwanger. Update: The problem has been resolved, without changing bundle ID nor app name.

The error was caused by a mistake on my behalf with applying the certificate in SAP build.

I'm terribly sorry for any unintentional inconvenience caused.

Thank you & God bless...

0 Kudos

Hi, could you please explain in more detail how you fixed it?  I'm getting the same error:

"The certificate in use is not a valid iOS distribution certificate. It should match Team ID XXXXXXXXXX"

I recreated completely new P12 (iOS Distribution) and provisioning profile and uploaded them both in the build config and yet I still get the error repeatedly.  I even made sure I had all of Apple's latest certs in my Keychain before creating the P12.  Yes, I added a password to the P12.  Any help would be very appreciated!

EDIT: ...aaaaannnnnddddd I figured it out.  My error.  When exporting the certificate in Keychain Access, I was right clicking on the private key and not the certificate.  Whoops.  Working now.

0 Kudos

Hi, can you explain in more detail how you fixed it? I tried everything suggested in this entry but still got the same error. I'm stuck already

0 Kudos

Hello, I also encounter this error. Is it possible for you to share with me the steps you took to resolve the problem?

0 Kudos

Are you sure you're uploading .p12 file as the distribution certificate (with matching .p12 password entered in the password field) & .mobileprovision file as the provisioning profile?

0 Kudos

Hi @SeifEldin , to answer your question, yes I uploaded the .p12 file as the distribution certificate & .mobileprovision as the provisioning profile

0 Kudos

Please confirm that you thoroughly followed the instructions below, mind the details please as they're usually the cause of the issues:

N.B. - Don't forget the .p12 password during file creation & then build configuration

0 Kudos

Hi, I already followed the steps given in the link, but the same error persists.

0 Kudos


I encountered the same issue. Could you please let me know how you resolved it?

0 Kudos

As I wrote I do not know the real cause that prevented the project from compiling.

Try redoing all the steps for creating the .p12 file from the beginning. Also try changing the package name or even the app name (make sure there are no spaces).

Good luck.