2023 May 09 9:18 PM
how can I filter few records from home page on list item click to show another service records matching the filter id on another service response ?
Need to Filter between two service from one page to another on line item click
on page 1 I am binding data from a capm service URL via rest that outputs to a list of data having FacilityId and FacilityName, on click of a line item i am opening a new page and here I want to show records from another service which I have added as data source here but after filtering collection of records from many to a few based on same FacilityId (service 1) and Facility_FacilityId (service two) matching on selection from home page list.
2023 May 11 9:43 AM
I'm confused what you would like to do.
It sounds you want to pass the FacilityID chosen in page 1 to page 2, where you will filter another service with it. So you can either define a page parameter or app variable (depending how you organized your pages) so that the second page can access the ID. You would get the ID in the Item in Repeat binding.
Is that what you want?