3 weeks ago
Hi Experts,
We are developing an build app for a extension scenario in SAP Service Cloud V2.
When we try to build the app either as ZIP or MTAR, we see build fails with below error.
"buildId": "37949",
"appId": "137347",
"buildLogError": "AB version: 2.13.4\nCOMMAND: \n\nNODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=12240 NEXT_SUPPORT_RELATIVE_PATHS=true npxrnv export -p web -s standalone_mtar -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/orchestra-template-standalone@4.11.167 -r \n\nFAILED with ERROR: \n\nCommand failed with exit code 1: npx rnv export -p web -s standalone_mtar -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/orchestra-template-standalone@4.11.167 -r"
I get the exact same error. Any solutions anyone? Thanks!
Hi, This error happened to one of our old app where some components which we used from marketplace are outdated for the current version.
After updating each component to the latest version and try building the app.
yesterday - last edited yesterday
Hi, and thanks for the hint. I have now successfully reverted components of my app to the latest pubished version, but unfortunately when reverting the Container, everything on the 250 pages of my app disappeared - the pages are completely empty! Anyway, I will try to make a AAB-build now without reverting the Container and hope for the best.
yesterday - last edited yesterday
Unfortunately the build process ended with an error again. The log file looks similar:
AB version: 2.13.5 COMMAND: NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=16000 USER_METERING_ENABLED=true SHOW_SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFICATION_NOTIFICATION=false SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFICATION_NOTIFICATION_DISMISSIBLE=true npxrnv export -p android -s standalone_bundle -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/orchestra-template-standalone@4.11.167 -r FAILED with ERROR: Command failed with exit code 1: npx rnv export -p android -s standalone_bundle -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/orchestra-template-standalone@4.11.167 -r
Now I don't know what to do!!! I can't revert the Container to latest published version without loosing the whole content, and if the version mismatch is causing the failure, I'm stuck!
I suppose it wouldn't help if I make my latest modifications to the copy of my app, which is still without the latest components installed.