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Dear Community,

In the coming weeks we will enable the ability to upgrade an existing Intelligent RPA tenant for becoming Build Process Automation tenant in few steps. No need to export existing projects and then import projects in another tenant. No need to deploy, create trigger, register agents and so on.

Few steps are required to transform an Intelligent RPA tenant to a Build Process Automation tenant.


Let's be clear, we enable the in-place migration to ensure the migration will be smooth and effortless. To that end, we have some requirements to avoid data loss and partial transformation.

  • No more Desktop Studio projects or packages in the tenant
  • No more Maintenance projects in the tenant

If some content block the in-place migration, you can download the details.

We have prepared a SAP Note 3334979 with some details available here.

If everything is good the seven steps are the following:

Step 1 - Add SAP Build Process Automation entitlements in your tenantBTP Cockpit
Step 2 - Click on "enable migration"Cloud Factory
Step 3 - Subscribe Build Process AutomationBTP Cockpit
Wait a couple of minutes the time the subscription happens and the migration is performed
Step 4 - Add and/or modify the Role CollectionsBTP Cockpit
Step 5 - Connect to Build Process Automation and Check the resultsBuild Process Automation
Step 6 - Check or Update Agents (optional)On-Premise Agents
Step 7 - Unsubscribe (delete) SAP Intelligent RPABTP Cockpit

Before you start

It's a good practice to clean your tenant of unnecessary content no longer used or accurate. As usual it's also a good practice to update to the recent SDKs or Agent version. Check your contract terms as well before.

The steps

Step 1 - Add SAP Build Process Automation entitlements in your tenantAlexFortin_0-1712646672795.png

For subscribing to Build Process Automation, some entitlements are required. Otherwise, you won't be able to go further. Assuming your global account has already the corresponding entitlements (you need to check with your contract) here the steps for a given sub-account:



Click on "Entitlements"AlexFortin_2-1712646809005.png
Click "Edit"AlexFortin_1-1712646786500.png
Click "Add Service Plans"AlexFortin_3-1712646924905.png
Search for "Build"AlexFortin_4-1712647032992.png

Select the different services and options such as 

  • Standard (Application)
  • automation-attended
  • automation-unattended
  • standard-user
  • advanced-user
  • api-calls


Add the Service Plans


Configure the values


You can now "Save"


Your sub-account is ready to subscribe Build Process Automation.

Step 2 - Click on "Enable migration"


Connect Cloud Factory as Officer. A new tile should be displayed.AlexFortin_9-1712647619746.png
The button "Enable Migration" would be shown. Click and a confirmation is required.AlexFortin_10-1712647806235.png

Your tenant is now Enabled for the migration and it will unlock the dual subscription.

If the tile is displayed this insteadAlexFortin_11-1712648005740.png
Download the report and fix the blockers. More details will come in the documentation. 

Step 3 - Subscribe Build Process Automation

You can either subscribe within your sub-account or use the Booster:


The procedure is well described in the documentation here.

Migration from Intelligent RPA to Build Process Automation is a one-way upgrade, irrevocable. After the confirmation, please note that the Cloud Factory will be unavailable and all jobs won't launch. So plan the migration accordingly to avoid a long interruption.

Subscription and Migration are performed behind the scenes...

Please wait a couple of minutes the time for the system to transition from Intelligent RPA to Build Process Automation.

Step 4 - Add and/or modify the Role Collections

Build Process Automation comes with three default Role Collections. Existing users would need either to be assigned to this role collection OR you can modify the existing Role Collections by adding the roles from Build Process Automation. For more information about the roles and role collections check this topic in our documentation.

Step 5 - Connect to Build Process Automation and Check the results

After a successful subscription and migration, you can now connect to Build Process Automation. A banner should be displayed if you connect as ProcessAutomationAdmin:


You can now check quickly the content was migrated properly and the corresponding environments as well.

Step 6 - Check or Update Agents (optional)

If you are using a recent version of the agent, agents will be automatically connected with the new URL. A restart of the agent might be needed. If this is not the case, you simply need to provide the new url to the agent. For more information check this topic in our documentation.

Step 7 - Unsubscribe (delete) SAP Intelligent RPA

Assuming that the content has been checked and agents are fully connected, you can terminate SAP Intelligent RPA for unlocking SAP Build Process Automation capabilities (including the ability to create new projects). Once unsubscribed, the "rollback" cannot happen.


Click Delete for SAP Intelligent Robotic Process AutomationAlexFortin_14-1712649280608.png


Confirm (DELETE)

If the subscription to Build Process Automation was successful, the data from Intelligent RPA is now Build Process Automation enabled. Existing data won't be deleted as they are now powered by Build Process Automation.


Final thoughts

With in-place migration we aim to run faster the transition to SAP Build Process Automation with a effortless solution.

What happens if...

While we have been working on this topic to ensure a smooth migration, if an error happens contact the support immediately and do not delete or unsubscribe.

Additional resources