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'You haven't earned any badges here'

Active Contributor
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What does this mean at all places, in the Expertise page of Reputation Tab.

Jogeswara Rao K

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hello Jogeswara,

Our gamification platform allows us to create missions with badges that are specific to a single space. At the moment, we do not have any such missions active on SCN, although we are in the process of creating some.

At the moment, since all missions and badges you earn are available site-wide and not specific to a certain space, you don't have any badges that are specific to a certain space. So the system displays a default message for each space shown in your Expertise section, "you haven't earned any badges here," meaning you haven't earned any space-specific badges in this particular space.

Hope this helps.



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