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You have to prepare answers in notepad!

Active Contributor

If you spend more then few minutes preparing answer then after pressing submit you have a high probability to get this screen. And for sure no draft is saved! It's absolutely unacceptable.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor

Ctrl+A followed by Ctrl+C an then submit is my approach, got this screen certainly a dozen times already.

Active Contributor

With 2-3 pictures inserted in the answer... 🙂

Answers (9)

Answers (9)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Vadim,

I'm sorry for the issues which you've encountered so far - especially when it comes to data loss!

The first workaround for this issue was deployed yesterday afternoon CET. Our internal tests were already quite promising, but of course nothing beats real life.

In case you still encounter issues now, please let me know immediately, either here in this thread or directly via e-mail ( You can also find additional details in the discussion

Thanks and best regards,

Sebastian (SAP Community Architect)

Active Contributor

Have the same issues like described by Jeremy Good. Very unstable platform since launch with more and more issues arising instead of noticeable fixes.

P.S.: Funny to mention that i ran into this error while posting my reply here. Absolutely ridiculous.

Active Contributor

Today it happened after 6 minutes of creating an answer 🙂 After pressing save I was redirected to

Active Contributor

I am too lazy to search, or not expecting to find what I'm looking for anyhow, but this issue is unfortunately not new and has been annoying since the launch. There are other areas too where the system times out or goes into la-la land, like the Activity feed eventually refreshing the whole page. I thought SSO was 'finished' prior to the October launch - why do we continue to fight with all of these timeout and inactivity issues? Why must I press my avatar to log in at the beginning, or when trying to comment in a non-logged in session be told that I'm not logged in. When I hit any https path that is governed by the community, just authenticate me, and then re-route me like other cloud apps like SAP Jam, the old Jive SCN, etc. Once I'm logged in, it is very likely I will leave a browser tab open and come back later - it is called Single Sign On, not Frequent Sign On...

Active Contributor

Well, it's also "Sometimes Sign On". 🙂 I've gotten into a habit of opening the SCN home page just to get the sign-on prompts (and they pop-up twice for some reason, so should it be "Double Sign On"?). Of course, after that it does not look as if I'm logged in (no avatar) but at least if I open another tab then I'm logged in there. (This has been reported back in October but I'm guessing is not a priority.)

And then suddenly I'm not logged in and I only find this when I try to submit an answer or a comment. No notification shown, no warning, nothing. Surprise!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, Vadim:

That's the first I'm hearing of this, but if Juergen and you are both reporting it, then I can only assume it's more of a widespread problem.

Let me see what I can do...

Best regards,


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0 Kudos
Community Manager
Community Manager
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Hi, Vadim:

Can you help me understand what's happening in those four examples? You're searching for a question that you know exists and you're getting an error? If so, could you let me know the names of one or two so I can look into it? If not, could you let me know what's triggering these errors?

Best regards,


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I am reporting bugs in the mentioned questions and unfortunately have no reaction!

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, Vadim:

I responded to the first one just now.

For the second one, I thought I might have covered this partially in our exchange at I can take it one step further and share with my notifications contact. That same contact is also driving Q&A, so I'll inform him about the question bugs in Firefox.

My apologies that you waited so long for any sort of response. I'll try my best to resolve before people start disappearing for the holidays.

Best regards,



I've got that problem too, but I did not say anything because I post a lot of bugs here and I was already afraid of being taken as a troll. 😉

So I use notepad too. And it is worse in my case, sometimes I do very detailed, over-qualified publications because in my case I do not speak English natively, so I look good if I write well, or if I'm messing something (with the grammar for example), and I'm late writing posts or comments ... (the latter can not be edited!).

So ... if I get that error, and above the browser (or the server) remembers what I had written, I want to hang myself. ;(

Community Manager
Community Manager
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I just wanted to updated that this is still on my radar and we approached the vendor awaiting their solution.



0 Kudos

Who is "the vendor" ? 😮

Community Manager
Community Manager
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The company who provided us with this platform

0 Kudos

OMG Moshe, I thought that the SAP developers had programmed line by line of this new platform. I mean, are you telling me that SAP paid a vendor for this new "community" they implemented?

This is even more disappointing. So, does SAP invest money in this? They stop using JIVE (which is more or less known provider) and now they have a provider who does not want to give the name?

It's like you tell me that SAP hired ABAP freelancers to launch a new functionality to S/4Hana.


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If by vendor you meant DZone, this makes me wonder - sqlanywhere forum uses a similar software from the same vendor. Probably they encountered similar issues and solved them. You have probably done that, but if not - maybe a 'lessons learned' session with the people, who built sqlanywhere, could be very beneficial for the current project.

And yes, I am using notepad++ to prepare answers. Copying the content to the clipboard before submitting it, is not a convenient option for me: because I am participating, while I am working also on something else. When your browser crashes (now it happens more often due to the introduction of infinite scrolling) you lose all that you have typed.

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I can confirm that something wrong is happening in the last 2 weeks. Sometimes I receive alerts that JavaScript is hanging on the site... Or I can't switch to another tab in the browser (FireFox, current version)

Community Manager
Community Manager
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Hi Vadim.

Thank you for your detailed report. Jurgen made us aware of another issue and I will ask IT to look into both of them.

Does it happen to you with all browsers?

Thank you,


Active Contributor
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I am using only FireFox to browse SCN, IE is reserved to view SAP notes (I have the same e-mail for P and S ID's)

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This same issue has already been reported by Juergen on November 24th and confirmed by me twice. No one from the SCN team even acknowledged those posts.

I'm using Chrome, it's not a browser issue.

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Again after 5 minutes!

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your notepad can pictures?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Unfortunately no 🙂 But with the text prepared in notepad I can paste text, then insert pictures in a few seconds.