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Will the Poll feature be available in the new platform?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


We recently starting using the poll to collect some feedback from the community.

Is there a plan to have that feature available in the new platform.

Also, we faced some limitation in the current way polls are working, and may be it should be revisited to consider a "survey" approach where you could ask multiple questions, and potentially let the user input an "other" choice (which doesn't exist in the Poll.



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Former Member
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Hi Abdel,

Thank you for your feedback. I will add this to the feedback log. Polling will not be available initially, we will evaluate on timeframe as we begin to look at all priorities.

with kind regards,

Bill Murray

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hello Abdel,

Thank you for your feedback.

Can you please share a use case where posting a blog and asking people to comment won't answer this need for getting feedback from the community.

Thank you,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Moshe,

Off course.

The Poll allows us to structure the possible options with regards to the poll question instead of being a "free form" style where basically you cannot "drive" the outcome.

Off course people can always post comments and as a "poll creator" we should always read them. But the poll makes it a bit more user friendly and accessible.

With predefined options, it alos provides more clarity to others to understand the "voice of the community" instead of going thru all the comments which sometime is not easy.

Also this becoming relatively popular on twitter and facebook to use a polls instead of asking for comments.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Polls give structured and visible qualification of the community member voting results in a nice graphical manner - I would also expect this to be part of the future community platform.

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Thanks a lot. I will forward your input to the relevant people.