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Why is it happening in SCN?? Whats wrong, seriously explain.

0 Kudos

Dear all,

With high disregard it is to bring in to your notice that  the discussion of mine  "Mandatory fields in Bex Reporting" has been rejected by moderator even when this post was  made keeping all in accordance with  ROE.
I seriously want explanation on this from the SCN moderators on what basis and who take such steps  when all rules of engagement
have been  maintained.
,   and all other moderators please take a note on this.

I want this discussion to be made visible as I have important  piece of information from SAP BW experts (, , )  here and in no way will I accept this rejection as i have always taken care of SCN ROE.


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Community Manager
Community Manager
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Would you agree that thethread you are refering to belongs to :

Rather then:



0 Kudos

Dear  Moshe,

Ohh so  that is the reason! Okay I do agree as you asked.
But atleast that if notified instead  of making the important information unavailable, cant it be moved to correct space??

Community Manager
Community Manager
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I moved it and I will notify the relevant moderator.



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Thanks a ton 

Regards, Aparajit

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Aparajit,

The question you have asked is very basic similar to some of your other threads. You can easily find this information with an easy search and some effort.

For Ex: Mandatory Variables

Details - Business Intelligence - SAP Library



Active Contributor
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I didn't touch your post, but generally speaking, I reject posts that are made in the wrong space. The reason is that when I moved documents (which takes just a little more effort than rejecting them), I'd frequently find the same person posting again and again in the wrong space. There's no incentive to do what's right - a moderator will kindly move it for them.

When I reject the post instead of moving it, the posters tend to take more care in future.

Think of it as a learning experience.

0 Kudos

Thanks Mathew,
I understand your point. To brief  I will take care of the correctness of space now on before posting.
I hope you are not much troubled by this query of mine
Looking forward to learn and share.

0 Kudos

Thanks Kumar,

I will take a note of that. These seems basic as working on these areas for first time and I believe all seniors are here not only to deal with complex scenarios but also to help juniors  with  their queries even though it may look simple  which on contrary is a bit challenging for them. 
But thanks for the link!

Even though I try to do R&D  and post only if I dont get the required guidance. I have always found my seniors here to be patient and helping even if it is the pettiest question. Thats how it becomes more encouraging.
I hope to look forward to that.


Active Contributor
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I will take a note of that. These seems basic as working on these areas for first time and I believe all seniors are here not only to deal with complex scenarios but also to help juniors  with  their queries even though it may look simple  which on contrary is a bit challenging for them. 

I disagree. For example I'm not here to helps students, I'm here to help professionals who have professional responsibilities and customers with real life problems to be solved. If you are a junior, you should have a senior whose responsibility is to guide you through the basics, it's not my responsibility to do it.

Anyway, posting basic questions without searching is against the RoE, even if you are a student or a junior.

Finally your OP comes off as a great example of Entitlement. You demand! an explanation. Turn it down a notch..

Active Contributor
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Just adding one word

Anyway, posting basic questions without searching is against the RoE, even if you are a student or a junior or a senior.

Active Contributor
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I often wonder how some of these people would have survived in pre-widespread-internet days. I remember the joy of finding sapfans and getting answers to tricky questions. I also enjoyed sapfans rigorous moderation, where heavy irony and sarcasm chased away all but the most dim-witted, thick skinned leeches.

Before sapfans though, we had to either work things out for ourselves, or actually talk with our colleagues!

Active Contributor
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Before sapfans though, we had to either work things out for ourselves, or actually talk with our colleagues!

....and that is probably the reason why we still have the deep knowledge.

I already see people who are asking the same question every other year, they do not anymore store what they learn, they just know the Internet is always around to help them. Must be kind of funny situation  if the boss wants an answer during a power outage.

Active Contributor
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I don't think it's necessarily bad if you are talking about very specific knowledge. You can't expect people to memorize everything, and I don't think it was a good thing when people in the past wasted so much time trying to memorize things they would never use again in the future.

The problem is when they do this in simple situations with the most common information.

Former Member
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SAPfans use the term Tuly Idiots

Must read "the last phrase" in above link.

Former Member
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Them were the days...

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Must be kind of funny situation  if the boss wants an answer during a power outage.

Did you forget the smartphones, the tablets, the phablets? Even power outage cannot keep you disconnected

Active Contributor
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I should have said EMP.

Btw,  my smartphone has more power outages than my ex-company in Connecticut during the summer time.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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EMP, that's the word

Now-a-days we are more worried about the "solar" storm than an actual typhoon

Active Contributor
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That has given me an idea...

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