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Why can't I see my Updates on my Notification Feed?

Active Contributor

Why can't I see my Updates on my Notification Updates?  Would it be great if we are able to see our updates too in the Notification Feed?  It would so much easier to follow updates, replies, comments if there are any after your last updates.  Is it possible if this recommended feature can be implemented? Does anybody support it?



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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @TuncayKaraca :

Thank you for your clarification.

From what I recall, I don't think personal activity ever showed up in notifications -- even on the previous platforms. I believe that's by design, as I think most members are more interested in other people's activity -- so they don't want emails, notification pop-ups, etc., when they take an action individually.

If you're interested in your own activity, you can find that activity captured in your "My content" section. At the top, you'll see you can view either "Posts" or "Replies," which might give you the information that you're looking for:

If I'm still misunderstanding the question, please let me know.

All the best,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Jerry, 

Thank you for the follow up. Maybe I'm -kind of- looking to track all activities including mines --not notifications-- sorted by the last-updated-time. Understand, it is what it is!


Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Jerry, thank you again for the follow up. It's what it is situation, understand. I'm accepting as a solution though we still need something like tracking activities including everything!

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