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Where is my SCN ID?

Former Member
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I'd like to find my SCN ID, but can't see it.

This post looks to be an old one, as the site no longer has a Bio tab nor displays the SCN in the URL

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Active Contributor

Did you already search in your profile? Just click your name or the avatar on top right in the menu. You are taken to your profile where you can see your ID right on top under your name.

The blog is from 2013, nevertheless it is in the right place today, even it shows outdated information. SCN is dead and got relaunched as SAP Community, the thing where you posted right now.

Information about your profile could be found via the community menu and there "Quick Start guide" in the yellow section on the right

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Not sure if you are referring to your username or your userID.

You can find your userID (starting with 1 letter and then numbers) under your email address here: manage

Your public username is jmaguire_afc which you can see on your profile like Jürgen mentioned. This is something that you selected when registering.



0 Kudos

This solution doesn't seem to work in the current community website. I need it to register for the Hybris summit.


Tony Kavadas

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

If that summit registration is same or similar to TechEd registration then you should be able to just use the SCN profile URL. Not sure it's of major importance though.