on 2017 Mar 07 11:02 AM
The old SCN was not as fancy as the new one, but it was a living community. When you posted a question you got several answers and solutions within 24 hours.
I guess one of the main motivations where the badges. It was a Gamification gimmick, but it worked. People were motivated to answer questions and to contribute.
I heard that the main reasons on why the badges were removed was because some people cheated. But SAP shouldn't have punished the entire community by removing them. People put a lot of effort into those badges. It may sound silly, but it was like that. It's like if you would delete all the game scores off all gamers, because some have cheated. No one would like to play your game anymore.
Now when you post a question only about 10 - 20 people are looking at it.
Look at this question for example:
Posted on February 22nd and only 22 people looked at it. It's a question about HANA roles many HANA experts could easily answer. I'm also looking forward to the answer of this questions. But no one cares anymore. All the experts have been cased away.
Please SAP you have to do something to motivate the community again to contribute.
The Karma thing is not really a help.
Help others by sharing your knowledge.
AnswerRequest clarification before answering.
your assumptions about gamification in the community are wrong, please read this blog: https://blogs.sap.com/2016/11/15/launch-of-new-mission-set-on-hold/
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Post question in a wrong tag + mark own answer as "best" (which makes the question "answered") = "SCN is dead" ?
The SCN members who were not motivated by the point system are still very much here, answering questions as long as they are posted in the right tags and some effort is made by OP to search before posting.
P.S. The complaints "I posted a question 2 days ago and still no one answered" were not uncommon on the Old SCN, by the way. Sorry to say but that was usually a problem with the question, not with the site.
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When I started working with new community I was feeling the same what you feel now and lots of frustrations. 😞
When time goes by and keep exploring new community I feel comfortable using it. As Caroleigh Deneen said there are so many other things needs to be work on prior they roll out stuff.
"SCN community is all about helping others who need help" Lets hope we have all issues resolved soon and get back to where we ware before.
I would not say its "To death" but I would say its "New born" that's why its still in learning phase. When you learn something new there is chances to make mistakes but as you go you will be expert
Cheers 🙂 🙂 🙂
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Thanks, it will take a while to get used it.
Hi Taner,
As Jürgen indicates, the mission program is only on hold temporarily, so we can focus on fixing some of the other pressing issues and providing missing features. You can read more about the planned program here: https://blogs.sap.com/2016/05/10/reputation-program-reloaded/
The timing for the release of the planned elements is still to be determined.
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I agree with you, the newer version of SCN is user unfriendly and demands more effort. That is why many members have visited here far less frequently. The "authorities" should note that it is not about the setup (tags, etc. etc.). It is about technical information exchange - questions and answers, blogs etc.
The hardcore fans of SCN will work hard and try to rationalize that the traffic is high and things are going towards the positive direction. But this is a biased opinion.
The large majority of the SAP contributors have swallowed a bitter pill and have (for no fault of theirs) lost their points and part of their motivation to participate. Plus the way more difficult "format" of the newer version.
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There are many people here (and some are not here anymore) having trouble with the new UI.
And as you got immediately an answer to this question (and 63 views in 1 day) rebutted that the community is dead and nobody is looking after questions.
Of course, if you have 3000 tags today vs 400 spaces before and the amount of people is just the same, then it is clear that they are more distributed now. And content under certain tags has less visitors. People would for example need to follow 5 to 20 tags to see the questions that had previously been posted just in 1 space.
I follow for example 25 tags just to collect all the questions that are wrong tagged and belong to Materials Management. If I would not do that then many of those questions would not be seen by those who can answer them, resulting in even more frustration, on both sites, the people who do not get answers and those who do not find questions of interest.
For example, your other question was tagged with a tag which had no corresponding space in old SCN.
Now just imagine users who answered for many years questions in the SAP Business Warehouse in old SCN which was migrated to SAP Business Warehouse in the new Community (you see, same name as before) did probably still look and follow SAP Business Warehouse
But your question is tagged with SAP BW/4HANA and FIN General Ledger (both did not exist in old SCN), you might have had more views with the old BW tag and FIN (Finance) instead of FIN General Ledger.
People who ask questions have an "advantage" because they just select the tag in their question, while answering questions requires from the people that they have to search for a tag which could potentially have a question, and if there is a question they can follow this tag and can later operate from their Activities. But if there is no content yet then they cannot even follow this tag precautionary.
I can just recommend to use tags that are an equivalent to a former space and only use the new tags if you are really certain that they belong to your work area and that they are the best tag for your question.
See this blog https://blogs.sap.com/2016/12/19/whatever-happened-to.../ , at the end is a link to the mapping file.
While I do my best to address the grievances I also believe on market mechanisms. If a tag is not going to be used then it is a potential candidate for the next clean up. And if a tag has just questions but no answers then the people will realize this too. And if the questions do not get answers here then the people try to get answers elsewhere which can't be the goal for the company who owns this site.
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"And as you got immediately an answer to this question (and 63 views in 1 day) rebutted that the community is dead and nobody is looking after questions."
No, it doesn't. This is a rather controversial questions, with an eye-catching headline. And I got 2 answers from Moderators. Only one non-SAP community member replied.
I realized my mistake. I wrote "SAP BW" and "SAP BW/4HANA" was the only tag suggested. Afterwards, I realized that you have to type "SAP Business Warehouse" to get the right tag.
But you are right, that it will take some time to get used to the new tagging system.
However, I'm not the only one saying this, many community members see it the same (as written in the link above).
This just sounds as if moderators would not be normal users...I don't work for SAP, answering questions is a hobby and moderation just a voluntarily extra burden which I wouldn't do if I was not here for answering questions.
Adding my voice so you know that non-SAP non-Moderators are also looking at this... If you go to Coffee Corner, you will lots of constructive (and not) discussions about the new site and what people want to see from it.
The whole tagging system is a mess. Look at the HANA role question asked in my initial question (not by me). Where should you tag this?
"SAP HANA Studio" - not really it's not a problem of the Studio. There I would expect specific problems with the Studio software itself.
But what is it then? I didn't find a better one.
Instead of having 3000 tags it would be better to have spaces back.
I don't think it is straightforward if I have to download an Excel file with 3000 rows.
"And as you got immediately an answer to this question (and 63 views in 1 day) rebutted that the community is dead and nobody is looking after questions."
After more than two years contributing regularly in the old SCN I stopped participating when the new system was launched. It was just to painful to use. But from time to time I come back to see what new feature has been added / fixed that might prompt me to return. If I don't see anything new I then go straight to this tag (Using SCN) and look for new or updated questions about the community being dead, which are quite a few. I get entertained for a while and then step out.
Maybe that's why this type of questions get so many attention. People are eager to have this fixed.
Yes, Taner T.
I also feels the same about the community and previous one is more interactive more quick responses for the Queries.
Badges program is like a rewards to flaunt and its hard earned but now 😞
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I also agree with Taner that several ACTIVE members before are already inactive now in SAP BW related topics (I'm not sure about the other modules). I don't know what happened but the queries posted in SAP BW sections are not as active as before where posting a single question will give you an average of 3-5 answers within the day.
Anyway, I hope this will be fixed. I can't point out the real problem, I just gave my 2 cents.
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You don't fix, what is not broken.
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Thanks for your input. I hope the new features will help to bring back the great community we once had.
I'm not the only one, who sees the problem with the new SCN:
Quote: "the community, as it was before, was seriously damaged and there are only few week signs of recovery on the horizon"
And that's the main problem. When I first came to SCN about 2 years ago, I thought myself "uuh, that looks very old-fashioned". But when I post a question, I got an answer. People where viewing the questions. Now no one even looks at the question.
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Hi Taner, In case you missed the post, I want to bring to your attention that we have launched the new mission set:
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