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Unauthorized Content

Former Member
0 Kudos

Strangely enough, every time I try to read the Community rules of engagement, I get the error telling me I'm unauthorized.  Maybe I'm not supposed to be able to read it, but I just wanted to make sure.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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This message was moderated.

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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

me too.

I guess some jesters have abused the forum rules.

Be sure they are coming back, here is copy, jut in case you are in hurry:

copy from Google Cache:

The SCN Rules of Engagement

Version 1

SAP Community Network (SCN) is a great place for SAP professionals to connect, collaborate and build their reputations. For the best collective experience on SCN, we ask that members adhere to rules of engagement. These rules of engagement are not intended to provide any legal advice, nor do they replace the terms of use. However, these give a good overview of how to behave in SCN.

Good Community Etiquette and Behavior

  1. Log in to fully participate, giving feedback to those who help you through likes, ratings and comments. Use your real identity to build your own personal brand.
  2. Be yourself. Provide as much information as you can in your profile. Please use a clear picture of yourself, to put your face with your name. Don't use logos or other graphical content that you copied from somewhere else. 
  3. Search before you post. There are many answered questions and helpful postings already in SCN. Before posting a new question, please search SCN to see if it’s already been asked / answered. That’s the fastest way to get your information.
  4. Avoid slang. There are many languages and cultures represented in the community. The primary language of most spaces is English. Non-English content should be posted in the appropriate language-specific space (see the Site Index) or posted in the original language with translation to English included. Please avoid slang and SMS Text Speak.
  5. Share expertise transparently. SCN is a community site that encourages public knowledge sharing. Be open about your knowledge and how you obtained it.
  6. Avoid solicitations. Avoid marketing your company’s products and services.  If you want people to know your affiliation with your company, put those details in your profile to make the information available to the community. Do not embed links to ads in your posts.  The same applies to email solicitations and advertising.  If you want someone to trust you enough to buy what you offer, share your expertise and they will seek you out. If you want people to contact you, you can choose to make your email visible in your profile, but we ask you not to post it elsewhere on the site.
  7. Be professional and courteous. Temper negative emotions, keeping communications professional. Do not berate other members for asking questions or posting something you don’t like. The community is intended to be open on a variety of topics.
  8. Be responsive. If an SCN member has answered your question, please mark the answer as "helpful” or “correct”. Mark the discussion as “answered,” so that other members can find the answers more easily.
  9. Don’t copy / paste other’s content. Be original.
  10. Report rule violations: Click the abuse button if you believe an SCN member is violating the rules of engagement.  For more details on this, read Reporting Abuses and Notifying Moderator on SCN.

Grounds for Rejections of Posts or Account Removal

There are a few things you cannot do in SCN. These are actions that could lead to removal of your content or disabling / deleting your account. Please be diligent and avoid these behaviors.

  1. Points-cheating: Engaging in activity for the purpose of increasing one’s own or another’s points. This includes working with other users to rate content highly, creating “fake” users to rate one’s content highly, or any other points-focused activity that does not benefit the community at large.
  2. Defaming another member: Posting content that discriminates against members based on any perceived differences, including but not limited to differences in culture, race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and physical ability. Read more on SAP’s diversity values.
  3. Copyright infringement: The Terms of Use require that all content submitted to SCN be original content created by the author or reproduced with the permission of the copyright owner.

More about Copyright

Copyright gives authors and creators the exclusive right to make copies, license, and/or otherwise exploit content, regardless of the media. See for more information. Copying someone else’s work into your own post may violate copyright laws. Please do not copy others work without first gaining written permission from the originator.  This includes SAP help files and training materials.

There are three general categories of copyright issues that typically occur in SCN. The table below describes these common scenarios as well as actions SAP may take:



Someone copies another person’s content (from inside or outside SCN) and posts it as their own content in SCN.

SAP may take action  and remove the content in question. SAP may also disable or delete the infringing member’s account. SCN Global Moderators may notify SAP Legal when the original content owner complains.

Someone copies a member’s content from SCN and posts as their own content to another website outside of SCN.

SAP is not authorized to take any action on behalf of individuals who are not SAP employees.  Only the copyright owner of the material can take action when someone has copied content without permission. In the event that another site is copying SAP’s content from SCN, SAP Legal may be notified and may take action to protect SAP’s content.

Someone copies SAP-owned content (Help files, training materials, product documentation, etc.) and posts as their own on SCN or another website.

SAP may take action to defend its copyrighted materials.  This could result in disabling or deleting the infringing member’s account and may also result in legal actions against the member. SCN Global Moderators may notify SAP Legal about SAP content being copied without permission.

When Someone Breaks the Rules

Click the abuse button if you believe an SCN member is violating the rules of engagement.  Select the appropriate type of abuse when you report it, and provide a comment so that the moderator knows how to handle it.

If you are a copyright owner and someone has used your content without your permission please follow the instructions at SAP’s Copyrights and Copyright Agent, Disclaimer and Trademarks page.