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Top Posts irrelevant after fix/tweak

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

The 'Top Posts' section under the 'SAP Business One' tag shows only posts that have nothing to do with SAP Business One.


Last week the same section also showed irrelevant posts, but that was because they were ranked by kudoes. Then the posts were irrelevant because they were all outdated or obsolete. At least they pertained to SAP Business One.

Apparently a fix was implemented, and now they are ranked by views I guess? Problem is, the visible posts were all posted on the previous platform, when the 'SAP Business One' tag was the first suggested tag. A lot of posts were erroneously assigned the 'SAP Business One' tag because of that. Posts that actually have something to do with SAP Business One, hardly ever get more than a 100 views, so all relevant posts are at the bottom.

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Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

The official answer here is that users need to add the appropriate tag, or let us know so we can remove the wrong tags via the "Report content" option. If the rank ladder permission allows you can also alter the tags yourself.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Is there an article showing the ranks and corresponding perks?
Active Contributor
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By the way, it says "Report inappropriate content", which a lof users will probably interpret as meaning that report the post when it contains inappropriate content.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
A post is coming with more details about the perks, we have launched with 7 of the 10 being live and needed to ensure all badges and things were fully updated before we can put the final 3 live and then give more details. Terminology on the "report" link is actually dictated by law but I'm working to see if we have some flexibility there. The EU has new laws coming which directly connect to that type of function we are preparing for.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Perhaps add a new menu option: 'Report incorrect tag'.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Posted this incorrectly as an answer.

However, I cannot remove it, I can only edit it. So I repurposed it to make a suggestion: the ability to delete a comment or answer, and perhaps even an entire post, as long as it has not gotten any replies.