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Time zones in Settings too limited or not limited enough

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I went to correct the time zone setting, and found it a challenge to select the right one. I am still not sure I picked the correct one.

On Windows 11, I have a plethora of UTC +02:00 options to choose from. The capital of my country is in the list, so that was easy.


Now on the SAP Community Settings page, I get 4 options, none of which are clearly correct for me:


I think I am supposed to pick Eastern Europe, because that area has most of the capitals mentioned in the list from Windows, but it doesn't feel right, as I do not consider Helsinki to be in Eastern Europe.

I would suggest to use the more extensive Windows list for this setting, or alternatively to reduce the list even further to only one entry per time zone, and just not show any geographic descriptions at all.


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