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Threads Deleted from CC Because They Were Interview Questions

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Jelena,

Thanks for the reply, infact I am also facing the same problem.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Two of my threads were deleted from COFFEE CORNER, with the reason that they were Interview Question.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Question were :

1. What are the advantages of SAP Script over SmartForm ?

2. What a BAPI can do but a RFC enabled FM can not ?,,,, I wanted to see the differece that I can check as a ABAP developer and not the theritical difference...........!!!!!!!!!!!

For the second question I have even collected few points and posted too.........!!!!!!!!!!!

I do not know, what is so specific in theser questions that restricts it to an Interview Question......!!!!!!!!!!!!

It would be great if some one can help me out here.........!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanking You All.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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Ankit, I think you might benefit from considering this from the perspective of other people on this forum.

I just did a Google search for "advantages of sapscript over smartforms" and found many good posts going back 5+ years.

Why do you expect people to take the time to answer your question when the answer is readily available on the Internet?

Instead what this does is frustrate those people who dedicate their personal time to SCN, and that frustration is visible on this thread.

Take a look at the SCN rules of engagement, they are well worth a read:

Former Member
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Hi John,

Thhanks a lot for the help extended..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John Appleby wrote:

I just did a Google search for "advantages of sapscript over smartforms" and found many good posts going back 5+ years.

Yes, you were able to get a number of entries, but if you will check them you will harddly find any thing meaningful, thay are just the differences and not the advantage of SAP Script over SmartForm...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It will be great if you or any of hte seniors in the community can help me to resolve the two queries..............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanking You All.................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Ankit,

could you please leave some exclamation marks (!!!!) for the rest of us? It's not necessary to use so many and also for every sentence. Thank you.



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The overuse of !!!! is, like using ALL CAPITALS, akin to shouting. Not very polite, IMO. When you ask your colleagues for help, do you shout at them ?

Frequently asked questions are harmful to the forums. Interview type questions have been banned for years.

I have a question for you. Why do you need the answers to these questions?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Matthew Billingham wrote:

The overuse of !!!! is, like using ALL CAPITALS, akin to shouting. Not very polite, IMO. When you ask your colleagues for help, do you shout at them ?

Well, that would explain why some people can't get any help from their colleagues and have to take their questions to SCN.

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0 Kudos

Matthew, Jelena, Members,

Let us not be too harsh on Ankit for his use (overuse) of


It could very well be a matter of not knowing that too many exclamations mean something...("impolite")

It could very well be a habit carried forward from usage in other social interactive sites!

Or it could just be a matter of "English"

Matthew, It is good that you convey to us the connotation of using these in abundance!

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The author Terry Pratchett , in Maskerade, suggests that the number of exclamation marks is directly proportional to mental stability!

Former Member
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Hi Steffi,

Happy New Year....!!!!

Yes, regarding exclamations,, its just my habit in casual from of communication.

Hope you will not mind....!!!!!

Thanking You All.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Matthew,

Happy New Year.....!!!!

Yes Sir, you are correct but there are few more meanings of putting extended exclamation marks.

Few of them are :

1. User is too happy.

2. User wants to show strong feeling.

May be, we can find few more over internet.

It was just my casual form of communication, hope it does not hurts.....!!!!

But, any how its again some sort of learning.

Thanking You All.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Jelena,

Jelena Perfiljeva wrote:

Well, that would explain why some people can't get any help from their colleagues and have to take their questions to SCN.

I do not know, who are those people but I am not among them.

I get a lot of help from my colleagues, based on there knowledge and experiance.

And I am quite sure, taking a question to SCN is not a sin probably every one needs to learn and there is no harm in learning from SCN, where I can find seniors and experianced developers.

Hope it explains your query.

Thanking You All.

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0 Kudos

Of course there are other uses. However, you need to consider your target audience. The overuse of ! doesn't hurt me at all. But this is professional forum and as such casual forms of communication may hurt you - as you end up not being taken seriously. Same with the overuse of emoticons.

My advice to you is: keep it for facebook and when you IM your friends.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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@Ankit - these questions suffer from the same problem as "how do I..." example in my post. There is no context for the question and no evidence that any research has been done prior to posting. And, quite frankly, these two specific questions just don't make much sense to me. They look like they were invented by someone who ran out of ideas to irritate the interviewees. Why do you even care for these kinds of questions? Is there some story behind this?

Former Member
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Hi Jelena,

Happy New Year....!!!!!!

Thanks a lot for the reply.

Jelena Perfiljeva wrote:

There is no context for the question and no evidence that any research has been done prior to posting.

Well, about research and self analysis, Yes, I had done and came out even with a few points that I had posted along with my question, but truly I do not have any thing to prove it now.

Jelena Perfiljeva wrote:

Why do you even care for these kinds of questions? Is there some story behind this?

No, there is no story behind these questions.

And I care for the answer because ,

What a BAPI can do but a RFC enabled FM can not ?,,,, I wanted to see the differece that I can check as a ABAP developer and not the theritical difference...........!!!!!!!!!!!

I just wanted to know since I was wandering, if I can do every thing from RFC then why do I need BAPI.

SAP provides BAPI along with RFC enabled FM then there must be some reason behind that.

Yes, I figured out two causes even,,,,,

----> BAPIs do not throw exception but RFC FM doe.

----> Most of the time, user do not need to bother about authorization check while using BAPI.

But just I wanted to hunt more and came up with my thread.

What are the advantages of SAP Script over SmartForm ?

I posted this question, just to know whether SAP Script poses some advantage or not, in fact some one asked me, I also asked a number of friends but could not get any thing.

So, I just thought of collecting opinions here.

Both these questions were under COFFEE CORNER, I thought its the right place to get the answer to this question.

Please revert if some more input is required from mine end.

Thanking You All.

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I just googled difference between BAPI and RFC, the first hits give perfect explanations. Why these are not satisfactory for you, I don't know. Similarly for googling advantages of smart forms over sapscript

Former Member
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Hi Matthew,

Thanks a lot for the help.

For the first Question difference between BAPI and RFC, I too got a number of URLs but could only figure out the two difference ( practical, that I can check in program logic  ) that I already posted, can you pls help with with few more. It will be a great help.

For the second Question advantages of sapscript over smartform, you got too many threads since you searched for opposite thing, infact I was looking for the advantage of SAPScript over Smartform and not the reverse one.

Thanking You All.

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If you bother doing the research, you'll see that SmartForms were bought in as new technology after SAPScript had been around for years, which has ceased further development, and you'd understand why the question is without real meaning.

Funny though -the VERY FIRST hit when I google for "advantages of sapscript over smartform" would also answer your question. This clearly shows you simply couldn't be bothered to search - or if you did, you couldn't understand the answers.

This explains EXACTLY why FAQ/Interview Type questions are rejected - they are an utter waste of everyone's time.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for the post, I had been over there the thread you refred but that one does not contains any advantage.

Well, I can now assume that SAPScript do not posess any advantage over Smartform.

Thanking You All.

Active Contributor
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Clearly, you haven't read the third response on that thread, nor the fifth, nor the last.  It is sad that I had to present you with incontrovertible proof that you could have found this all by yourself but chose not to.

The point is that for both your questions it is clear that you could have searched for yourself and found the answers. And that is why your posts were rejected. Just think how much time and effort would have been saved if you'd accepted this explanation at the start, instead of trying to defend the indefensible.

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Matthew Billingham wrote:

This explains EXACTLY why FAQ/Interview Type questions are rejected - they are an utter waste of everyone's time.

Well said.

@Ankit - people who ask you questions like these ones are just messing with your head. Not sure where you got them, but if it's from a job interview - you probably don't want that job. If it's some "pop quiz" then it's just plain stupid.

You won't learn anything from these kinds of useless "gotcha" questions. But I hope that from this thread you will see that you can trust your own judgement much more and don't need to question it all the time.

Good luck!

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Well said. On another thread you ask for proof that certain functionality doesn't exist!

Trust you own judgement!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

- Please open a new thread instead of hijacking this one. 

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

I've just branched this into a new thread.