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Thank god we have Google

Active Contributor

The picture explains all - you feel like Hansel and Gretel - left alone in wood, the way is just illusion

I searched for OMSX transaction, as I knew that it was a frequent answer for a certain problem, but I could only find 1 item in the wood.

And is even worse as it shows 1.9 K hits and has not a single relevant hit in the initial page, it just shows results with the word OMS instead of OMSX

And then use Google for the same, and easily more than hundred related results:

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

This is good feedback. Honestly, I didn't fully know about this and the 16,000 other SAP tcodes (OMSE OMSF OMSG OMSL OMSL2 OMSL_DI OMSP OMSPCUST OMSR OMSS).

I'll be honest: Site search does not employ AI so all these rules and learning needs to be applied manually. So this feedback is helpful and I'm working on how best to solve this in the short and long term.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Just being curious: This different search experience came with the new platform. Is it the database that causes a different interpretation?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

No, the database didn't change much. Of course, the structure of the content across all the new platforms did. The biggest factor is likely the level of fuzziness and that is not part of the index yet.

Answers (5)

Answers (5)

Active Contributor

Why do you guys even bother with SAP search? It's exercise in futility. I just use Google all the time, unless I have to search for the notes in Launchpad.

Active Contributor

The exact option in sap search worked quite well, in the old SCN I liked the possibility to apply additional filtering after the initial search - by date range, author, forum space. By the way, if you use exact option in the SAP One Support Launchpad, you also get better results.

And I just found out that the search in SCN forums from SAP One Support Launchpad is wrong - it returns the results only from the old SCN and not from the new Q&A (not that I ever used this option).

I am starting to ask myself - is there any reliable search functionality, which is actually working? Except for Google, of course, which is harder to verify.

Active Contributor

I liked the old SCN search with the filters and had no real need for Google or the custom Google search. I switched to Google when the SCN search was moved on HANA and the filters were gone.

But as a moderator you can get into trouble quick if you tell a user that he failed to search and it turns out that the search failed to return useful results.

The SAP search should at least return "some" useful results for people who have already used Yahoo, Google or Bing without needing a 2000$ training in a SAP Education Center to understand SAPs maverick search.

Active Contributor

I can confirm that SAP search is not working correctly.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Thanks for this feedback. This is a good example of where we need to make more adjustments to the "fuziness" factor and I will ask this to be investigated. What puzzles me is why didn't you search for "OMSX transaction"? We've seen that satisfaction with site search increases significantly when the query contains at least 2 terms in a query.

Google sets the bar very high and it's a challenge to get site search to reach that, let alone "match" the results 1:1 as suggested. So I like to think that they complement each other.

You can always limit Google search results to by adding "" to your query as you've shown or try this Custom Google Search (non-suported) project:

Active Contributor

I cannot speak for others, but usually when I refer to OMSX, OMLY, VOFM or other well-known transactions, I don't specify in my answer that this is a transaction - the assumption is that the person is aware that this is a transaction and not a table, for example. This is similar to mentioning "Windows 7" - you don't say often "Windows 7 operating system" to a colleague, not even to a client. Another motive not to use OMSX transaction as a search term combination is, that instead of typing the word transaction, many would just type tcode.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but if you type OMSX transaction, as an end user, you have no way to set the relative weight of the search terms separately, which means OMSX and transaction will have the same importance in searches. If we use fuzzy search, first we would get the results where we have both terms mentioned, then we will get the ones, where we have one of these two, sorted by page rank. "Transaction" is a very common term, which means that OMSX - only entries (which are more important to us) will be buried into the list of not so useful results, where only transaction is mentioned, but they have a higher number of page views or recent updates.
Here is a more realistic example: you are interested in the combination of OMSX and vendor. If you type both words without quotes, you will get at the top a bunch of results, where the word vendor is mentioned and some variation of typing OMSX, like OMSG. I would type instead "OMSX" vendor - this would filter out the OMSX variations, but I would probably do this after typing "OMSX" and seeing that there are too many results.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Oh boy, Google is broken now too. I was searching for an SCN post where someone asked for a screenshot of activity stream from the old SCN. Google -> screenshot activity stream SCN found an item that clearly included the text I was searching for but the link was not right. So I re-searched with the exact string and got only the same result:

This link shows a huge list of questions, it also switches me to a Swiss profile and changes language to French (I guess compliments of "suisse" part). However, the specific question is nowhere in sight there.

So I resorted to the SCN search and for the same exact string "screenshots of the activity stream on the old SCN?" (with quotation marks) it found nothing. But after I removed all the marks it found the question (and a bunch of non-related stuff, of course). Exhibit A and B:

Really hard to blame others for not searching these days...

Active Contributor

Google just captured what it found on a page which was "visible" to Google at a certain time.

It is the overview page with all content, which also has coffee corner content among them, but coffee corner itself is hidden for Google, so the links are re-directed to the overview

By the way, my search would have been more suitable for you:

Active Contributor

For searches - remove just the question mark, keep the rest in " ".

The current question is not indexed properly yet:

And, as part of the simplification, you don't get the total number of results, because would be confusing.

As for the custom Google search - this is shown as ... wiki?

There is some indexing problem with this question, I think, I could not get it to appear in duckduckgo, startpage and disconnect.

Active Contributor

You say "indexing problem", I say "conspiracy"! 🙂

Active Contributor

These are not mutually exclusive. 🙂

0 Kudos

Why are you crying?

This is the new cost effective way to launch projects. The stupid ones that want's to test before launch are cowards!. Every manager tells you quality is nice to have, but not really required! This is the cost effective 20:80 approach! 80% of the work is done, the rest is to expensive:)