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Test results Question & Answers, Universal profile etc.

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1) Click on the word „Create“ does not do anything, the pull down menu is only at the little icon in front of the text, this should be extended

2) Meaningless proposals for a qualified subject

3) Do I really need to follow my own question with an extra click, can’t this be the default like in Jive?

4) What is a comment to a question? What ist the exact difference to a reply?

5) Tiny little untitled gear for moderation alert, will probably be unrecognized by most users

  6) System logged me out after some minutes of inactivity , but how to login again? There is no link to logon, nothing shown in the Q&A page . I had to use  „create question“ to be logged in automatically again

7) Only the user tag is listed under tags, the primary tag is listed without label

😎 Clicking the primary tag compared to the user  tag has a different next action. The user tag will list all questions that have this tag. The primary tag asks me to create a new discussion under this tag

9) As shown and highlighted in above screenshot for user tag, the system is asking me to add a description for the tag. When I try to do this then it does not do anything  after clicking the Update button.

10) Also the size of presentation is just dancing from one screen to another. In one screen (see point 3) we only see content in the center while the next screen (see point 9) the whole screen width is used.

11) The follow button is good to see, but to unfollow – see yourself

12)After selecting „recommended questions“ I just get a screen to post a question, is this right or wrong? Is this because there is no recommended question? How to recommend a question?

13)The find box says „Find posts, topics and users“. The result does not list any user, sometimes not even content

14) If I select an entry from the proposals then I receive an error that page does not exist:

15)I wonder that there is no progress on the tags – nothing changed on the primary tags since the first beta test for blogs .

Universal Profile

  1. I have no chance to hide my companies name from the public
  2. There is no second email address that can be made public
  3. User name cannot be different to the S-user account

  4. Wrong picture shown next to followers, my picture with Huining Zhao

Activity Stream

1)    HTTP Status 403 – Forbidden


SORRY! Seems like you lack the required permissions to access the requested page!

Archive QA


Diese Webseite ist nicht verfügbar.


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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re steps for 12:

logged into TeamHub Q&A platform - Sap Staging

click a tag, here E-Recruiting in one of the shown discussions

this takes me for example to All Questions in SAP E-Recruiting - Sap Staging

in this page I click the line "All Questions in SAP E-Recruiting"

I get a context menu with 2 entries: unanswered questions and recommended questions

I select recommended questions

re 15: I  just had expected that in the meantime we would already have hundreds of more tags, in short: a growing system

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Jürgen,

on Universal Profile...

1) not sure we still want to do this. What would you consider a reason for for not showing the company? Yes, we need to have the ability to hide some attributes but not necessarily all of them.

2) why would you want a second email address in the user profile? isn't one sufficient? do you want to show it anyway?

3) not sure I understand this. the username will be picked by the user, like currently here. one time pick. can you please share more details?

4) just a glitch

can you share your profile URL please?



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1) The main reason is my fear that people (Companies who want sell their SAP add-ons, recruiters and the helpless who are not that helpless in approaching someone)  try to contact me via phone

2) I want to be reachable, which is one rule for the moderators in SCN. Direct message is only possible if people follow each other. I do not want (and it is not allowed anyway) to get private emails to my company account. I have 15000 emails from SCN in a little more than 2 years, just notifications about shares, direct messages and moderation activities.

3) People who are here with their S-User ID have in general no choice to change the user name My Jürgen L, instead of Jürgen Lins, is only possible because of glitch,.

I don't like unequal treatment of users. The exploiting users who only take their free training in SCN  need only a email address to be here, can countless change their user name and even  have numerous profiles with different names to  launch their basic questions.

4) Jürgen Lins | SAP Universal Profile

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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1) Let's see, I think this is a business decision. From my point of view, SCN is a business network and the company should always be shown.

2) Would it be better if moderators would be approachable via DM in all cases? Email notifications are a must.

3) I see, misunderstanding on my side. username is for me the @mention name, which is also part of the profile URL. I would prefer to have no s-users at all, because they are owned by the companies, have various restrictions and give us headaches all the time.

4) Bug! Looks like Huining Zhao was able to set "" as his username, which always links to your own profile (for me to my own).

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If the account merger will ever work then I am willing to change from my S-user ID to another ID, which then makes some of my doubts obsolete.

Result: you have one more anonymous user, and no benefit on showing the company name.

In my opinion should the moderators be reachable by direct message from anyone, but we then need a way to block individual users who misuse this freedom

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Just some info: the recommended filter is based on the following a tag (as AH calls it topics), but since we use our own subscription service, it shows weird data in the end.

I'm thinking about changing the algorythm behind the recommendation, since you can see your interests based on following in your activity stream.

Do you have any recommendations about what questions to recommend?


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In Pre-Jive times we had so-called Sticky Threads which always stood on top of the forum, e.g. a list of FAQ like this

or an advice like that

So I could imagine to use it like the moderator picks in JIVE , which I was never able to do, guess it was for space editors only.

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Community Administrator
Community Administrator
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Do you still have access issues with Activity Stream? I can't see any obvious reason

Active Contributor
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yes, no change

HTTP Status 403 - Forbidden

Community Administrator
Community Administrator
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should be fixed now.

Active Contributor
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yes I can access it now.

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I did a little walk thru at the activity stream, here are my findings:

  • Profile picture does not show

  • The information about who is following whom is not much important (for me) but uses as much room as a discussion or comment, I liked the Jive way of showing this less important part.

I clicked all names that I highlighted in above screenshot.

The reaction is quite different, which can also be seen from the URL which is behind this names.

Yaniv Bar's name under the following information  goes to

and I see just the avatar after clicking it

while Gali's name goes to

and I receive a


You don't have permission to access /profile/gali.klingschneider on this server.

while Samuli's link goes to

and does not react on clicking.

same for Moshe's name.

  • 3 different links  - 3 different reactions

  • It is not possible to add a reply from the activity stream.

  • The filter work with exception of profile updates

  • The screen is a mix of German (circled) and English (yellow highligted)

  • I miss the functionality of hiding as it is in Jive. In Jive I can follow people but can hide from my activity stream what they post in certain spaces. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
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Hi Jurgen,

Is this still happening?:)

I'm making sure everything was attended before the big bang:)

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I had closed the question as Gabriella and Oliver answered it sufficiently for me and I assumed that they had taken the issues into some tracking list to monitor that they get closed.

The system is from my point of view currently not in a shape that one could do a serious test (don't want even to talk about making it accessible for public), it is too much work still going on, uncertain if an error that I see today is caused by this work or is a new error that should be reported.

The main features are not present today: the vast majority of tags are still missing, auto-search for existing content while entering a title does not work, the search does not work at all. The moderators do not know for which tags they are responsible.

I do not yet see that all the different objects (blogs, Q&A, universal profile, HANA search, activity stream, moderation)  are under one umbrella and accessible from a main landing page or personal page. I still go back to the slides from the council to access those individual areas.

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hello Jurgen,

Thanks a lot for your constructive feedback (like always).

The system isn't fully functional but that's the beauty and the point in the beta phase. Slowly/soon the pieces will become one whole, the community.  The new community won't launch until we get the platform closer to the type of performance our members and moderators expect.

In the meanwhile you can follow the page that lists the  known bugs to save you frustration and time (I hope it will be fully updated by tomorrow):

And for hope please follow the SAP Community Release notes page :

to be updated when features were installed and fixes were implemented, please follow

Thanks a lot for your patience and endless efforts in the process of taking the community closer to the place we all want it to be.



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one more finding: It is not possible to logout from the Universal profile

I can click log out next to my picture on top right, the page refreshes, but I still have the edit functions and the menu next to my picture on top right shows still the logout option

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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1: Creation will be moved to the universal header, so that button will go away.

2: Functionality not yet completely implemented.

3: No, the original poster will always follow their own content automatically.

4: Correct terminology will be "Submit an answer" and "Add a comment". An answer provides a solution to the question. You can comment on both the question or an answer, it just adds extra information from a conversation perspective, but not a solution.

5: I'm moving out the moderator alert from the gear to the main page in the current sprint. The gear will contain actions like editing, closing and rather moderator related, like locking or moving to trash.

6: You should be able to log on by clicking the user icon in the header. I'll look into the session timing problem, it should be a couple of hours, not minutes.

7: That will look differently.

8: Both the managed (primary, secondary) tags and the user tags should show a list of questions tagged with those tags. What you show in the screenshot is a description to the user tags, which won't be valid for the 1DX Community. (also answers your point 9.)

10, 11: As you see, we are still working on the UI. A lot...

12: I'm wondering where you got that page from. Can you please send a step by step description?

13: Text will be changed and we are already working on the search, since we are adding archived discussions there too.

14: That's is both correct and wrong behaviour. Wrong, because it should not show the user id (thanks for pointing that out) and correct, because profile URLs are not generated with ids, but the "nice names", so "jrgen.lins" for you and "tamira" for me.

15: What are you expecting as a progress? Granularity topic for ERP modules?

Universal Profile:

can you please address these topics to SCI?

About 4: it is weird, if I check Yaniv's followings, then Huining Zhao does not have a profile URL and a "nice name" and his avatar is the default one if you don't have an avatar. I only see your picture for your own user.

Activity Stream:

Weird, are you using the link that contains 36f157...etc? What if you log on to Blogs or Q&A first and then click on the heartbeat sign on the top right corner? can you please help why Jürgen's getting a 403?


I gave you mod permissions and assigned the tag "SAP ERP Central Component" to play with.


Right, sorry about that, the archive is still protected by the SAP firewall, we'll open it up after we got approval.

Hope that I could clarify most of the stuff and thanks a lot for sending the feedback!
