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Tags take forever

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I was trying to add some tags to a recent post and it seems that there is some kind of search running immediately as I type. Something similar to when you type in Google and suggestions appear at once. Except in Google it works very fast but on SCN I could barely type anything because it was hanging on every character.

Is there any way to just type some quick tags and avoid this "helpful" feature?

Thank you.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
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Any updates on this since January? The performance is still very bad. Since SCN 3.0 is actually supposed to make even more use of tags I'm a bit worried (although it'd run on a different engine).

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Jelena,

tags are definitively are becoming more important in the future and we are looking specifically at performance aspects very closely in the new applications.

For this here, I didn't see this thread. The lookup/query should happen after each character but a certain delay of around 1 sec. (would have to look it up myself). I'll check with what we can still do here. Maybe this is something related to you location. Would be interesting to get some more details on your setup.

Answers (4)

Answers (4)

Community Administrator
Community Administrator
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Hi All - thanks for raising this. We have a tissue submitted and will keep you posted. Updates will also be included here:

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Tissues may well be needed. Thanks, Caroleigh!

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In FF it was not as atrocious as in IE but still not acceptable for the 21st century IMHO. Come to think of it, it was slow few months ago but at that time I guess I beat it with mad typing skills.

I'll try the copy-paste workaround (thanks, Manish!) but this is messed up... At this rate if it can't be improved wouldn't it'd make more sense to disable it? Or maybe it's a good business case for HANA?

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I have to admit that I like the search suggestions, as it can be useful to find existing tags that work for the document in question, but the slow performance on it is definitely painful. If it behaved more like the Google type-ahead search, that would definitely be preferable. I'm a little surprised that the behavior is browser-specific -- I thought it would have been influenced completely on the server-side. I guess I don't even bother trying SCN with IE anymore.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

In chrome its working fine but in IE its causing this problem. This "helpful" feature need some attention in IE I guess.


Active Contributor
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Does the same in Firefox (typing delayed while waiting for search to catch up). It has behaved this way at least since last spring, that I can recall. Perhaps before, but that's when I first encountered it.

Former Member
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Yes, you have to type it superfast to beat the typeahead search from kicking in, above 360WPM I guess

I am saying 360WPM because 300milliseconds is the delay after which call kicks in.

Assuming average word size as 5, and a typical tag size is 10

So, 2words per 300ms = 6 words per second = 360WPM

Or type it someplace else and then paste. I use Firefox and do Ctrl E or Ctrl K to move cursor to search box, type the tagname, Ctrl A, Ctrl X, and then paste in tag box.

Ctrl E works in internet explorer too.

Or you can do Ctrl L to move cursor to address bar and type stuff there.

Note: Google does it asynchronously and SCN does it synchronously. That is the reason why it interrupts your typing.