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Tag Info page

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

We should have a tag info page that has the following info:

info (About / links / etc),  newest (questions),  frequent (questions), votes, active, unanswered

Have a look at this example:

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Actually the metadata page could be used for this extra info:


There is a whole bunch of whitespace and it would be great to have some other info such as:

# of followers, # of questions associated with tag

an overview

links to "frequent", "info", "top users", etc.

See for more info  ...

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


I also think if we are going to elevate Tags to replace the logical gathering vehicle provided by today's Spaces, then knowing the community around a tag or combinations of tags is a great idea.  Consider the current 'address book' we have for something like the SAP Fiori space:

The content tab is like a pre-configured search result-set, and people are just as important and relevant as the content objects they create.

The whitespace you mention would also be a perfect place for related tags, or an associated tag cloud that could be used to combine tags into a refined display of content, etc.  This is a little slow in today's SCN, but the concept works well:

Best Regards,

Jeremy Good

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Thank you. I'll ping the relevant topic expert to attend this feedback/suggestions.



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

These are great ideas John, and thanks for the additional input to Jeremy.

It would be useful if users could see this kind of data with a tag. Frequency, for example, would be something we could expose as the analytics capabilities mature. And as we integrate more with other backend systems, I could see something like "info" if we could pull descriptions about products, for example. And number of followers and 'top users' is something that you could imagine having a tighter integration with the profile.

Another place to expose such info would be the tag pages (for governed tags) as well as the equivalent for user tags.

Definitely noted for future consideration.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Thank you for the sample links - always better to have functional examples or use cases to avoid assumptions based upon future tense or theoretical concepts

In the development activities underway, when can we expect consistent SSO with the 2 links you shared (I had to manually force login), the filtering to have a uniform location and expanded capability for drilling down?  The bb-test page is only blogs, and I would expect that it showing all content items with this tag, then allowing me to include or exclude based upon object type (similar to today's 'content' tab:  I also look forward to the ability to fine tune search results by different criteria than just month or object type.

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi Jeremy,

I can't speak to the SSO question, but about filtering: If you want to provide some specific examples of additional filters to consider, let me know and I'll add them to the feedback list.

Also, user tags are currently not shared between the blogging and question platforms, but that integration is on the radar.


Active Contributor
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If I'm not mistaken, the search filtering criteria was discussed with Jason already in one or more threads, and it would appear updates have happened, since the first beta search was very minimal:

Right now we more or less have little to no granularity where the blogs site shows blogs and filtering is only a predefined monthly archives view (from your bb-test sample link).  The answers site shows filtering only based upon 'All' vs. Unanswered questions.

If user tags or even the long official tags are not part of these filters, then how do we glue all the sites together - is search the only way?  Then I would also expect tags to be part of the filtering / drill down.  Asset type (blog, answer, archive, etc.) should not necessarily be my primary search but asset classification to hone in on what I am after.  If I am searching for an error code, key word or search string, or tag like then I may choose to filter only Q&A based upon my preliminary findings, which includes all assets, even people who have added the tag to their profile.

Sorry for rambling, but I am of the opinion we need uniform, consistent and fully featured search capabilities, that include tags (user or system) and not the varied site based searches we currently find in the different locations.  It is possible that for certain users, their world is blogs, and they don't care about answers, etc. but I am more expecting to want content from all channels/sites, and then decide which formats or content should be excluded/included in subsequent drill downs or filter refinements. 

For example, when clicking a system tag for SAP OPI, I get this:  SAP Operational Process Intelligence Archives - SAP Blogs and not until I press Display All Content do I get to this: All Content | Community, but my only initial filters were archive blog months,and then only blog and/or question options on the second level.  The search bar on the Display All Content page for "SAP Operational Process Intelligence" which I manually copied and pasted sends me to: (no auto title for some reason...) and this provides a few filter options (not date related though).  If I manage to get the full search screen (hand on the wheat reminds me of the Gladiator movie) and paste "SAP Operational Process Intelligence" from my clipboard, then I get a more featured set of sortable and refinable results:  SAP Search But I'm still missing tags in the search filter criteria?

Happy to discuss further.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

This is good feedback.

The current universal search ( users arrive on from SCN today is outdated.  It's based on merging different taxonomies into a single search.  This is why there are at least 25 types/asset types in the filters.  I have to add that the majority of users don't use the filters other than Source, which is most often pre-selected.  So the goal is that results match the query without the need for filters to be applied.

The new universal search ( is based on a unified taxonomy which, for example, has half as many types than before.  This isn't just for community: it's meant to be accessible from the universal header across multiple properties and provide users with access to all content from those sources, which translates to several million URLs.  Filters added to this search must be universal in the sense that they apply to most of the content and the content has been tagged.  One big challenge in this regard is that the millions of discussions being relocated to the archive are not tagged with topics/products.

At the moment, the team is still working on some UI bugs and completing the index. Now that the index is almost complete, they will begin refining the results so that when users search for "SAP Operational Process Intelligence" they see Business Process Operational Intelligence | SAP HANA and SAP Operational Process Intelligence - Technology Troubleshooting Guide - SCN Wiki at the top of the search results, which they do today if they filter by Page.

What is found on ( is another technology and search altogether.  Eventually this should be replaced by the new universal search when it is ready.  In the meantime, a portion of community results will be incorporated there.

Active Contributor
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Part of the challenge in testing 'search' within the open beta is that there are so many use cases that are unfinished or a work in process, so the full effect of navigating within or across sites cannot be fully experienced.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

True: We haven't been able to incorporate content yet.  However, don't look at this as "Community Search" because it isn't: Even though the content lives across multiple domains and subdomains, it's all meant to be a single unified experience. The primary goal is to help any user find a meaningful search result to his or her query so that they can continue their journey.