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So many of my old blogs are deleted how do I get them back ?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

So many of the blogs I had written shows deleted

I would like to have them back it had some useful information for me which I wanted to retain and reuse

Is it possible to get a copy

is it right to delete all content without even asking ? It takes atleast 2-3 hrs to write a blog it not more such a waste of time!

It seems like I need to keep a copy of all my blogs on my own website as well to ensure the time spent on writing a blog is not wasted 😞

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor

Some old documents were converted to blogs... can you check your blogs? I am able to see "deleted" documents in your blogs 🙂

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor

Those blogs (documents) predate the conversion of SCN to the SAP Community. It is quite likely that they were removed as part of the pre-screening process prior to the migration. If memory serves me correctly, there was a general notification that authors needed to review their documents prior to the migration to determine whether they should be deleted, migrated or converted to blogs. Since they were Jive Documents (presumably) previously, it is possible that they are in the Adobe Experience Manager but expired. Might want to get someone from the Community Global Moderators to check on whether they are truly deleted or whether they are in an expired state.

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