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Sir, Lady, Do you remember how many opened discussions do you have?

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Probably this is part of the moderators life, but I would like to clarify this point, in order to avoid problems

We discussed some time ago about user blacklist and how to avoid answering to users who only open discussions and don't give any sort of feedback, so I was wondering,  if we can friendly remind this to those users when they open a new disucssion or is this against ROE?



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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Luis

sorry... a bit of war and peace but covers a heap of scenarios for how I try to keep the communities I'm part of professional.

I do that now. My approach (particularly in GRC community) is:

  • they say problem solved/solved myself - I ask them to share their solution with the rest of the community
  • when they say thanks and it's working now - I ask them to mark their question as complete (I don't tell them which comment to mark as correct as I'm not after points. Though, sometimes if suggest they mark a specific person if that person gave them the answer to ensure they are recognised)
  • when they say urgent, job to do, blah blah - My politeness becomes a bit more terse and I lecture them to an extent on community behaviour and that they people they are relying on are helping them
  • when they try to bump their thread up - reply to own post - I choose Alert Moderator and ignore them unless they do it a few times as well as opening secondary threads then I add a comment similar to their "urgent post"
  • when they leave heaps of posts open then I ignore them. If they then 'bump the thread up', I add a much for detailed comment that they would receive more by contributing
  • ask a basic question - if in forum a lot then I alert moderator; if a slight bit unusual I tell them what to google or where to search to go find the answer themselves and include a bit of context as to why I recommend they do that as well as finish of with 'perhaps you should book into training course xxx'.
  • when they enter private details I just hit alert moderator and I do not answer their question until information removed. Most of this one is sharing email address so others will send them files/documentation. When a few start with "me too" I will add a comment of perhaps write a blog/document for entire community to benefit. I also press alert moderator so that the noise in the community of "me too" is removed.

Most of the time I respond I don't mention RoE as much but more community spirit and behavioural. Most of those scenarios aren't explicitly listed in the RoE either.

At the same time, I try my best to also be positive and thank people for contribution or 'good luck' to fresher who managed to solve their first problem.

The hard thing with insults - due to cultural and language differences, some new members interpret words as insults when never intended to be. Accusation of arrogance, rudeness, etc are are written and my reaction is alert moderator.



Answers (5)

Answers (5)

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Hi Luis

You raised a very good question here. I see a substantial jump in this trend of serial offenders.

Now-a-days, whenever I see a new member in the SAP Financials (FI/CO/AA) forums, I make it a point that at the end of my reply, i request them to close their questions once resolved

I restrict myself to CORRECT ANSWER or ASSUMED ANSWERED, as the intention to get the threads closed, so that others can walk in the foot steps in future.

There are users, who have genuinely improved over this, and there are users who just chose to ignore it and still continue with their behaviour. As a result, I have stopped answering their Qs and I did not even tell them or the community ever that I intend to stay away from such Qs.

If someone is not responsible enough towards the community, its a personal choice that I dont prefer to waste my time for them either. I dont know what stops them from closing their threads and saying a THANK YOU for the time others are spending on them

And one more funny behaviour if you guys have noticed. Those who are active on SCN and if they ever post a question and findout the answer themselves later, they will simply mention "Solved by myself". It makes me feel ego always plays a subtle role even without we knowing it

Earlier SCN had a good option that once X no of questions are opened, you cant post a new one unless the previous ones are closed. I am not sure if that option is still alive.

Br. Ajay M

Br. Ajay M

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Maybe it'd make sense to have the 'Alert Moderator' button available for the whole user profile to report the "serial offenders"? Sometimes I call atention to the other posts by the same member when reporting one post, but with 255 character limit there is only that much we can put there.

By the way, there is also an idea on Idea Place to limit open questions to 10 (like it was on SDN), but it's still in 'submitted' status despite the 48 positive votes. Perhaps SCN team could give us an update on this, eh?

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One direct message cannot fix what was missed at child's home and school for many years.

Very often these are the same people who post the basic question without searching. Careless from beginning to the end. Still they always find others who search the answer for them.

If the limit becomes active again as it was in old SDN then quite a lot people would need to register with a new ID as they already crossed 10 locked question. With each locked question the number of remaining open questions went down. And they could not even ask why and what to do without signing in with another ID

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hmmmm...Alert moderator on user's like it I also voted for the idea some time ago, have you seen any idea materialized (no irony on this)?

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When on BPC for MS, I see "assumed Answered" or "solved" in the last year I have tried to intervene to explain the correct procedure and a part (perhaps 30%) apologizes and closes the discussion properly, so it is partly just laziness or carelessness, but still educable.

In addition to the badge I think a visual feedback could be of help.

Many of these users do not even deign to read the rules could be helped \ threatened by a progress bar under the name, call LifeID in line with ten strokes.

If the user is ok 100% green, if x open questions it will X/10 of the orange line, if x questions locked it will X/10 of the red line.

In summary of the profile (visible with the mouse over the name \ picture) can also be summarized explanation of x locked, y opened and remaining life).

I think this is a good deterrent as well as immediate help for those who normally tries to help others by understanding on the fly with who has to deal.

but if the simplest previous idea has gained 50 votes (now) and its after a year in "submitted" state, maybe it's wasted effort ...

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True Luis....I have seen many users don't even come back once there query is answered....It's a right etiquette here to share the solution even if it's resolved by the person who asked the question. But unfortunately, many people don't do that. Many discussions are kept open though they are answered.

To be honest, I have actually got angry many times when the user doesn't even set the answers as helpful when we give all the helps and their issue is resolved.



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Actually, the problem is that,

Suppose a user creates a account in SCN, it has the communicate email id for that and he will get all email for notification.

Now he post a question, Then he gets all answers in his email id, lets suppose he get the solution for his question in his email id and he solve the issue. Then he never come back in SCN to close the discussion.

Our friend  NiTiN J has written a blog regarding this

Your idea is very good. If SCN will send a notification to close the discussion to OP's email id if the discussion is still unanswered after 1-2 months, then I think user will get the notification mail and many users will come back in SCN to close the discussion.

You can post the in Idea Place.

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I think it's fine, as long as you hit the right tone.

In fact we need more of this, as most people jump in when they (think they) know an answer too a question, and don't care about the rest.

It's good to have some responsible community feedback in addition to moderator activities. Offenders might finally notice that something is wrong with their behaviour.

Be prepared for occasional, personal insults as a response, you can always "alert moderator" in such cases. Just eat all their cookies.


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Yeah, I will prepare a template so I'm sure the right tone is allways present

About the insults...well, I've been SAP consultant  for 7 years, I'm used to it