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SCN ID is locked

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Team,

I had a SCN account which I made in 2007.

ID - P414969

Email id -

But last to last year when I was in IBM, I have changed my ID to

Last year I left IBM and I forget to change my ID from IBM to GMAIL id.

Now I am unable to login, when I am clicking at forget password then it sends a password to my IBM id which is already activated.

Requesting you please reset my email id, password and send it to

Thank You so much

Best Regards


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Its little tough to recover the account.. Just because you forgot the Email ID..

Amy way, just drop a mail to SCN technical support. (

Additionally check the document

May be now it will not work.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Dev,

Thanks but I have not forget my id. I have forget to change my id in SCN profile.

Now my SCN id is tagged with my IBM id which is already de-activated.

As you suggested, I have already sent a mail to SCN support. Lets see.

Thanks & Regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

See, its little tough for SCN support team to identify this id is yours or not ...

Suppose you got my user ID from here..

And if you mail to support team that "This is my user id and I forgot password for this ID."

You have to give a details which can be provided only by you...

The main details is email id..

If support team will get mail from your email id (Which is connected to SCN account), then they can do everything..

But you haven't the connected email id at all.

I suggest give much more information about your profile so that it can sure that that is your profile...

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SCN User id is unique its not the name what we see in profile but its the combination of char and number which mayank has shared.You cannot see mine and i cannot see yours.So until you are logged in with the credentials,you may not able to see it.

Hope you got the whole idea of it and if by any chance you are able to see my unique id then let me know.


Active Contributor
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No.. I can't see others... But I don't think that will be enough to change email id..

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I got it done,had the same trouble few months back and SAP Network team was able to fix the issue.

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
0 Kudos

please  mail to

Definitely  , they will  help  you but  It will  take  some  time .

Former Member
0 Kudos

pls  check  with link 

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Please drop a mail to think they should be able to fix this issue for you.

This has happened with me before so i can assure that this can be sorted out in your case as well.
