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SAP One Support Launchpad Refuses Login?

Former Member
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Does anybody else have the problem, that - while you are logged in already - you are permanently prompted to authenticate (via pop-up or otherwise, depending on the browser used)? I tried using Firefox, Chrome and IE9. I urgently have a SAPGui patch to download and can't because:

No matter, how often I press <ENTER> or something, this popup isn't going away.

What am I missing? I already opened an SMP-Call but actually, I don't have a couple of days to spare until somebody responds, so ... <F1> Help?

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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I am not sure what is happening there but I am also having issue like this below



Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
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I received an apology from SAP via my OSS-note. They had, so the note, multiple login-issues within the application and Sorry.

How about placing a red blinking info line somewhere on this place that says something to this effect? You know ... to inform users about things?

Anyway - next problem. Now I can reach the download site for SAPGui 7.40 patches, but guess what. Every link I click opens the same page in a new tab (or window) with the same links. None of them gets you to the SAPGui patch.

This is ridiculous, really.

Also, thanks Yogesh and Jamie for participating in this thread - I really had a "Have-I-Now-Totally-Lost-My-Mojo" second there.

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Ugh that's frustrating to hear, Mylene.  Let me put this in front of the LP team and see if we can figure out what's going on.  Thanks!


Former Member
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The solution, coming from SAP via my OSS-message is:

"Do not use the launchpad. Use the legacy download area. Go here and click G"

To whom it may concern: use the link, because navigating there over the new surface isn't even possible.

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Hi Mylene,

Thanks for sharing the solution provided by the team.  I apologize for the frustration and we're continuing to work to make all the activities you need to perform as smooth as possible.



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As Joachim mentioned, I would highly recommend installing the Single Sign-On SAP Browser Passport.  Here is some more information: Simplify Your Login | SAP Support Portal

There are a variety of authentication points throughout the Launchpad and the Support Portal (including legacy applications that have not yet been replaced in the Launchpad).  The Passport will help you to circumvent logging in each time.  It's also helpful should you find yourself working with more than one login ID (e.g. for partners managing customer accounts). 

If this does not resolve your issue, I would try closing your browser, clearing your cache and starting the login process over.  Please let me know if this resolves the issue.



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I already have this setup done and getting error.


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Hi Yogesh,

I can confirm I am having the same issue today.  Any chance you have authorizations for HEC tiles?  I'm noticing this is causing multiple (6-8) authentication prompts.  If I hit cancel, they seem to cause no problems other than I cannot access HEC (which has other things going on right now any way):

Active Contributor
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Hello Jamie,

You got it right... This is what I was talking about. Something on SAP side


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Unfortunately, looks like until the HEC issue is resolved, we will have to just "Cancel" out those dialog boxes.  Quite annoying, but hopefully still allows you to complete your patch download.  If not, I would attempt to turn off your HEC access in your User Profile or request an escalation on your incident.



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Hi Yogesh,

I'm being told that this is fixed.  Can you confirm if you are still experiencing this issue?



Active Contributor
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Hello Jamie,

Looks like there is no issue since today morning.



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Great to hear - thanks for confirming!


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You are welcome!

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I never had that issue.

This might be as I'm using Single Sign-On with SAP Passports | SAP Support Portal so if the site wanted to re-authenticate I probably wouldn't even notice...

