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SAP* & DDIC Password incorrect

0 Kudos


I recently installed SAP NetWeaver 7.02 ABAP Trial Version & in 001 client, default password for SAP*(06071992) and DDIC(19920706) Didn't worked for me. However default user BCUSER password worked & then i have reset password for SAP* & DDIC user.

Now while i login to 000 Client, no default password is working neither SAP* nor DDIC not BCUSER.

Can anyone help.



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Those default passwords were for earlier SAP releases.  In NetWeaver 7.02 they are no longer used.  When you did the install, at one point you would have been asked to supply (create) a "master password."  The password you chose during install should have been set for the DDIC and SAP* users.

If you can't recall the password you set, and you have access to the OS filesystem and to restart the system (which you should, given it's a trial edition), then you can change the profile parameter login/no_automatic_user_sapstar to value 0 (default is 1), and delete the SAP* user from USR02 in client 000 using database tools, as Alejandro mentioned, then restart the system.  Then you should be able to login to client 000 as SAP* with password = PASS.  From there, you can set your DDIC password, create your own superuser, etc.  Note that when you're done, you should change the profile parameter back to 1 (or delete the parameter), and create (and perhaps lock) a SAP* user in SU01, then restart the system again.

You can change the profile parameter in your client 001 via transaction code RZ10.  You can set it in either the instance or default profile.

Best regards,


Former Member
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Can you please elaborate. I installed trail version and I forgot the password I gave during installation. I am not able to login to SAP*. I am not able to login to BCUSER too. It is saying error in licence check. Please help.

Active Contributor
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The error in license check means your temporary license has expired. If this is a newly installed trial edition, you might consider just reinstalling and starting over.

Also, if you search on Google with " sap* password" you will get dozens and dozens of hits to threads here where people ask this question all the time.

If you do reset your SAP* password and regain access, you'll find that you can only login to client 000 and only with user SAP* while the license is invalid. You can go to tcode SLICENSE and create a new temporary license.

0 Kudos

Still can't access 000 client...with any of the default ids

0 Kudos

Master Password for SAP* is 06071992


DDIC is 19920706

Both is not working

0 Kudos

Which is your database?


0 Kudos


0 Kudos

Had you activated SAP* user by adapting parameter login/no_automatic_user_sap*? Otherwise the user is disabled.

To activate SAP* emergency user you should fix parameter login/no_automatic_user_sap* to 0 in the profile.

Other option is to reset SAP* user by:

sqlcli -d <Database name> -u sap<sid>,<Password>


"delete from usr02 where mandt='<Client>' and bname='SAP*'"

Then you can try user "SAP*" with password "pass".



0 Kudos

Its above my head Sorry!!!

Thing is I can't login to 000 client with any user-id. Default is SAP* & DDIC and their default password should be 06071992 & 19920706 respectively. Which is no working.

I installed NW 7.02 today itself, none has changed its password.

0 Kudos


You should use the master password required during the installation process.

