on 2013 Aug 08 1:14 PM
Hallo together,
I have a Windows 2008 R2 Server with installed SAP BO 4.0 SP4 with FP 8
The repository is on a MS SQL Server 2008 R2.
And I have installed the new Service Pack 7.
The installation worked fine for 3 houre until the diskspace on the systemdisk ( C:\) was empty.
These are the last lines from the log file
23:11:15.771 Error: Error in SqliteTable::ExecQuery():
23:11:15.771 Error: Statement: update DU set id = 'tp.apache.cxf.bundle.biprs', version = '2.3.8', locale = 'core', objmodel = 'nu', revision = '', installed = '1' where pk='11014'
23:11:15.771 Error: Error: database or disk is full
23:11:16.216 UI thread has terminated properly
23:11:16.896 SqliteManifest's sqlite db is successfully closed at D:\SAPBO4\InstallData\WorkingManifest.sqlite
23:11:16.896 Closed manifest D:\SAPBO4\InstallData\WorkingManifest.sqlite
23:11:16.904 Error: Exception thrown while accessing manifest (caught ManifestAccessException) :
23:11:16.904 Error: Statement: update DU set id = 'tp.apache.cxf.bundle.biprs', version = '2.3.8', locale = 'core', objmodel = 'nu', revision = '', installed = '1' where pk='11014'
23:11:16.904 Error: Error: database or disk is full
23:11:16.904 Error: Note that even though the program has terminated abnormally, the manifest should not be left in a corrupt state.
23:11:16.908 Error: Es wurde ein interner Fehler gefunden. Das Programm wird beendet.
The result :
It seams that the installation was successful.
The Tomcat work, the different services are working.
I am able to log on with CCM and also log on and work with CMC and BI Launchepad.
I am able to use WebI and other Client tools (RichClient, Universe Design Tool, Analysis for MS Excel, ... )
But I am not able to make another installation.
I have to update the sap bo explorer.
The result:
Every installation quit's unsuccessful with this error Message:
13:32:52.562 Error: Cycles found in dependency graph.
13:32:52.562 Error: Cycle: 65 63 tp.apache.axis2-1.3-core-nu {setup.bobjsldds-4.0-core-64, platform.sdk.boe.java-4.0-core-nu, olap.oda.xmla_core.java-4.0-core-nu, repoaccess.javasdk_repoaccess-4.0-core-nu, tp.apache.axis2.bundle-1.3-core-nu, tp.apache.poi.java-3.5.0-core-nu, translation.common.server-4.0-core-64, translation.service-4.0-core-64, monitoring.sdk.java.client_sdk-4.0-core-64, monitoring.core.java-4.0-core-64, setup.bobjsldds.servers-4.0-core-64, crystalreports.webreporting.java-4.0-core-nu, crystalreports.dataaccess.driver.xml-4.0-core-32, platform.webservices.cons.dsws.replicationschedulingservice-4.0-core-nu}, 65 67 platform.sdk.boe.java-4.0-core-nu {setup.bobjsldds-4.0-core-64, repoaccess.container.java.shared_classes-4.0-core-nu, sdkbase.framework.java-4.0-core-nu, dsl.dsl_clientsdk_light-4.0-core-nu, connectivity.boe.ccis.java-4.0-core-nu, platform.sdk.boe.java.dfo.util-4.0-core-nu, repoaccess.javasdk_repoaccess-4.0-core-nu, repoaccess.repo_proxy.java-4.0-core-nu, dsl.dslengine-4.0-core-nu, crystalreports.sdk.java.repository-4.0-core-nu, platform.services.ras21.clientsdk.java-4.0-core-nu, crystalreports.boe.sdkplugins.java.managedreports-4.0-core-nu, crystalreports.sdk.java-4.0-core-nu, platform.sdk.boe.java.bundles-4.0-core-nu, crystalreports.boe.sdkplugins.java-4.0-core-nu, platform.dependencymanager-4.0-core-nu, platform.blat-4.0-core-nu, platform.sdk.boe.java.controlserversstate-4.0-core-nu, platform.sdk.boe.java.siastatusquery-4.0-core-nu, platform.services.smartservers.sia-4.0-core-64, mobile.samples-4.0-core-64, webi.webisamples-4.0-core-64, translation.common.server-4.0-core-64, translation.service-4.0-core-64, monitoring.sdk.java.client_sdk-4.0-core-64, monitoring.core.java-4.0-core-64, migration.xmlpinfiles-4.0-core-64, setup.bobjsldds.servers-4.0-core-64, platform.sdk.boe.java.sap-4.0-core-nu, polestar.api.searchbroker-4.0-core-64, platform.services.jobprocessing.jobserver-4.0-core-64, platform.services.ras21.servercore.forjavaproc-4.0-core-nu, xcelsius.server.xcserversdk-4.0-core-64, xcelsius.server.xcrasproc-4.0-core-64, crystalreports.engine.java-4.0-core-nu, webi.wireportserver.server-4.0-core-64, platform.principalfileimport.neutral-4.0-core-nu, webi.boe.serviceplugins.java-4.0-core-nu, xcelsius.boe.sdkplugins.java-4.0-core-64, crystalreports.boe.serviceplugins.pss.java-4.0-core-nu, dashboardbuilder.boe.serviceplugins.pss.java-4.0-core-nu, dsl.boe.serviceplugins.pss.java-4.0-core-nu, platform.services.search.sdk.shared.java-4.0-core-nu, platform.services.search.java-4.0-core-nu, lcm.core.java.lcmschedulingservice-4.0-core-nu, visualdifference.visualdiffservice-4.0-core-64, lcm.core.java.lcmprocessingservices-4.0-core-64, crystalreports.boe.serviceplugins.java.crdataprovider-4.0-core-nu, platform.services.java.publishingservice_external-4.0-core-nu, crystalreports.boe.serviceplugins.java-4.0-core-nu, connectivity.boe.connectsrv.server.java-4.0-core-nu, platform.services.java.auditproxyservice-4.0-core-nu, platform.services.java.publishingservice-4.0-core-nu, platform.services.java.securitytokenservice-4.0-core-nu, visualdifference.visualdiffschedulingservice-4.0-core-nu, mda.clients.platform.boe.pqueryplugin.dswsbobje-4.0-core-64, monitoring.probe.java.probejavaschedulingservice-4.0-core-64, platform.services.search.java.platformsearchservice-4.0-core-nu, crystalreports.boe.serviceplugins.java.cr_transmgr_plugin-4.0-core-64, platform.webservices.cons.dsws.replicationschedulingservice-4.0-core-nu, platform.services.jobprocessing.publicationschedulingservice-4.0-core-nu, platform.services.jobprocessing.securityqueryschedulingservice-4.0-core-nu, platform.services.search.java.platformsearchjavaschedulingservice-4.0-core-nu, platform.services.jobprocessing.principalfileimportschedulingservice-4.0-core-nu, platform.services.jobprocessing.authenticationupdateschedulingservice-4.0-core-nu}, 65 55 setup.bobjsldds-4.0-core-64 {tp.apache.axis2-1.3-core-nu}
13:32:52.562 Error: Aborting install.
How can I solve this problem ?
Request clarification before answering.
23:11:16.904 Error: Exception thrown while accessing manifest (caught ManifestAccessException) :
23:11:16.904 Error: Statement: update DU set id = 'tp.apache.cxf.bundle.biprs', version = '2.3.8', locale = 'core', objmodel = 'nu', revision = '', installed = '1' where pk='11014'
23:11:16.904 Error: Error: database or disk is full
23:11:16.904 Error: Note that even though the program has terminated abnormally, the manifest should not be left in a corrupt state.
23:11:16.908 Error: Es wurde ein interner Fehler gefunden. Das Programm wird beendet.
Hi Ralph,
Could you please check free space statistics available in operating system and database installed drive.
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That is not the point.
I have deleted every unnecessary file, directory and archive, .
I am not able to make another installation on the same server without cleaning up the system.
The database is unfortunatly on the same server. I've checked this database also and it works fine.
The question is :
How to solve that Problem:
Every installation quit's unsuccessful with this error message:
<timestamp> Error: Cycles found in dependency graph
Hi Ralph,
I have a similar problem with SP6 FP3. No information about a corrupted manifest or other entry in InstallData-Dir. I noticed a problem when starting a BI-Launchpad with LANG=FR which didn't work.
Any installation (SP7, another SP6 FP3 or even a new install of BO 4.1) crashes when starting setup.exe.
I think SAP has a big problem in handling of many updates in her special database (which in my case is about 16GB with 116000 files !!)
Do you know, how to get the SQLITE Data Browser to have a look into maifest-files?
Günther Ritter
In the meantime with SQLITE for Windows I have edited the install_maifest.sqlite. There have been some values which have been wrong. After correcting these values I've been able to install SP07 properly (I am now extracting all SPxx-Files in my harddisk 😧 because there I have enough diskspace)
Now my only(!) problem is that the apache tomcat isn't working with BOE/CMC and BOE/BI.
Message was edited by: Günther Ritter
Hallo Günther
Sorry for that delay.
I wasn't able to access the Forum
OK, You have found a posibillity to access sqlite files. I've use'd the sqliteadmin backage from the site http://sqliteadmin.orbmu2k.de. But I was not able do solve my problem. If I rename the complete directory SAPBO/InstallData I am able to start the installation, but the Installation end's immediatly with the problem, that it can't find any product.
With BOE/CMC have you tryed to redeploy the application within the tomcat with the tomcat or with the wdeploy tool?
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