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Reputation and points are not incrementing

0 Kudos

Hi All,

I saw that this wasa reported before and it was dismissed, but it is truely happening.

I've had a point score of 68 for some time.  I added a resolution to and SCN question and the customer marked it as a correct answer and my pints wore not incremented.

See following link:

Any Help Appreciated,


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Community Administrator
Community Administrator
0 Kudos

We looked at the logs, and there appears to be a glitch, the accept event doeasn't appear to have been sent. Do you happen to know which day your anwer was accepted? It will help me investigate further.

I will assign the points manually; they should be up tomorrow.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


The glitch is around for a while. I have seen some of my points being reduced, even though they show up in the reputation tab, the most recent being today.


Sanil Bhandari

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Your case is different and reproducible:

You got points for an answer where the discussion got rejected later.

It shows in your reputation tab without subject line:

And it also shows the reduction in your Expertise section for Finance:

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Interesting - that wasn't there when I looked, so there must be some kind of delay.

0 Kudos

Like a two week delay??

Community Administrator
Community Administrator
0 Kudos

I manually assigned the points this morning. Do you mean there was a two week delay between when you posted your answer and it was marked as correct?

, were you referring to Jurgen's screen shot? That was of Sanil's reputation history, not Jack's. Jack's points and correct answer action were not in the logs. Sanil's points were reversed when someone unmarked a helpful answer.

0 Kudos

AH I see Mathew's Response. That screen shot was NOT mine.  Ignore.  I now see my points have increased

0 Kudos

Not sure if you were able to retrieve the date

Feb 24, 2016 3:43 PM 

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Yes I was. Thanks for the clarification.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Jurgen

Thanks a lot. I was not aware of the way to see the log, though have been on SCN for a while:(



Answers (4)

Answers (4)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks for reply.. But I have replied many of the questions from various users. whoever requesting the answer, they are not interested to mark it as helpful or not. Once they have answer, then they simply disappear.

So I don't know how this will helpful.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

That is is our fate, it hits me more often than you ,  there seems to be a new generation of consultants who have not learned to say thank you or they are just technically underdeveloped and do not know how to it technically.  Maybe it becomes technically easier with the new forum software which is coming this year.

So don't give up and try with even better answers.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


It does mean if you see a member guilty of bad etiquette in closing threads then stop helping them

Many of the one-time posters who never return can end up asking FAQs or training/basic questions. In those cases, Alert Moderator for failure to search

Rewarding bad behaviour doesn't help (not accusing you of that) but it's a side product of being helpful to someone who doesn't know how to show appreciation.

Former Member
0 Kudos

I too have the same issue. My points are not increased from long back. Don't know why ?

Community Administrator
Community Administrator
0 Kudos

Hi Balu, are their actions you have taken that you expected to earn points, and what are they? Here is the reputation overview as guidance: I looked at your activity history and didn't seen anything there that should have earned points.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

You  just had not given any helpful reply to other users questions. It is still the user who marks a reply as helpful or correct.

Marking own replies as correct does not give you any points.

There is not a single question since November where your reply was marked helpful, and no evidence that a decision was reversed.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Jack Dever wrote:

and my pints wore not incremented.

Just wait till St.Patrick's Day for the global pint increment. (Sorry, couldn't resist. )

Whaaat, no more points?! I'm outa here!

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Customer? ... anyway...

Points awarded recently for , but history shows last points awarded for 2 months ago. Also doesn't show up on expertise.

I agree that there must be a problem here.

0 Kudos

Hi Matthew,

I'm a SAP Employee(i826364)



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Just trying to gently point out the scn members are not customers to everybody on here. They're certainly not for me.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Some more product-related SCN spaces are "controlled" by SAP AGS and/or Development folks who indeed view each poster as a (potential) customer. This is where SCN functions as an extension to the SMP and strict moderation is usually non-existent. From my job contents of recent years I can name SRM and TDMS as examples.

So, many thanks for keeping it up in ABAP, ERP and elsewhere
