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"Latest Blogs" on the SCN home page - titles truncated

Active Contributor

While I'm happy to see at least some meaningful content on the SCN home page - did noone notice that the blog titles are truncated?

It seems the Procrustean bed here is 2 lines. Not sure why but maybe at least add '...' at the end in such cases? Otherwise it looks odd and definitely not as the author intended, e.g.: "Planning for ... ? Check!". 🙂

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Jelena,

I'm checking with the team that manages these RSS feeds to see if we can make any adjustments. The feeds themselves are limited, so there may not be an immediate solution.

The feeds that are under development for the next homepage iteration will have more flexibility to adjust for headers, blogger name and avatars.

Thanks for pointing that out.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

It looks more of a CSS problem, not RSS-related.

I played a bit with the object settings (adjusted a few max-width and some margin percentages from 20% to 5%) and I was able to view the full titles:

Maybe in the next iteration we can have separate rules for screen resolutions like 1920x1080, which is very common nowadays?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

The feeds are RSS and have their limitations with regard to width. I just checked on that.

I'm curious: what did you do to achieve a different width and see the full titles? I'd like to share that with the team.

And, yes, moving forward we are developing feeds for the homepage, so we'll be able to specify width, what to show, etc.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I used developer tools in my browser to change the properties of some objects. It is very simple: you click inspect element, find the object, then you edit the properties, which you need.

With Firefox and similar browsers it is possible to save the settings for future use in userContent.css.

In my case, I added there the following lines for test purposes to obtain the result from the screenshot:

@-moz-document domain( {
div.sectionContainer .width-preset-l{width: 1500px !important;}
.threeColumnFeedStyle{max-width: 1500px !important;}
.feeds-container{margin-right: 0% !important; margin-left: 5% !important;}

I suppose, that for really long blog titles this won't be enough and one needs to play also with .feed-title{max-height:} to allow 3 lines per blog title, but this is trivial 🙂