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Push the Save button and the blog is published?

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Just this morning I was writing a blog post and pushed the Save button so I could preview the final layout. To my surprise I was told the blog was awaiting moderator approval. That has since happened and the blog is now published. I'm 100% convinced I pushed "Save" and not "Publish". Has this happened to anyone else? Is it a known problem?


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hey Steve

This happened to me with my BIF

I suspect you have used one of the "special" sensitive words that puts it into automated moderator approval.

The problem is that it doesn't seem to differentiate between draft and publishing.

I am yet to know what this "special" word is.

If you aren't ready to publish you might want to CC the space Moderators in here to get their attention?



Former Member
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Ah, so the "special word" filter might be stepping in on save rather than publish, and dumping it to the moderator queue, thereby automatically publishing it on approval? That sounds plausible. Might that be it, ?

At least I know it isn't just me...


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Yes, a special word we're tracking is on your post (SCN got hit with spam this past weekend).

Active Contributor
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But this should not be causes for the reason of publishing a blog after press Save.

The result will be "Your content need moderator approvals" is you are using any special word. Isn't it ?

Former Member
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OK, then it really is that the magic word filter is kicking in too soon, on Save and not Publish, and causing the blog to publish anyway? There's a word for that. Begins with 'b'. Ends with 'g'. 🙂


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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It seems to be published because the author no longer has control over it now that it's in the queue.  Then the moderator may release it. 

Former Member
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But Save and Publish are different actions. If I wanted it published I'd hit the Publish button:-)

Surely the magic word interception should kick-in and take over only when I publish? No?

I'm curious, now, about the word I used...


Active Contributor
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I was remembering this episode when I read Steve's post, and sure enough, it seems this is what happened.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Yes, you're right.  Sadly I don't think the workflow was setup this way and what happens is that drafts (save) and new content (published) are pushed to the moderation queue when an interceptor is activated.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Looks like this is what is happening here, Steve. Not sure how much we can do here, as this is the engrained behaviour of the underlying platform.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Active Contributor
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I would be interested if the same thing happened in my thread over here . When it was published before I wanted it to be, I assumed I was being a retard and just pushed "Publish", but in actuality I'm pretty sure I pushed "Save" here as well and only corrected some minor spelling mistakes of my last "saved" version.

Thesis: Is a blog automatically published if you "save" it too often? I.e. is there some kind of counter that says "can't save more often than 20 times --> publish"?

Cheers, Lukas

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I think it just comes down to the logic when the "magic" word is used

When you press save or publish it is checking immediately instead of just checking on publish... in Steve's case

Lukas, I did accidentally publish a document once. I had red edits all through it and had to quickly scramble to fix the version to publish again. I thought I might have been typing too quickly and hit the wrong short cut key combination. I put it down to user error.

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I only pushed Save once, and it ended up in the moderator queue. I hope once is not too often


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On the couple of blogs I've published, since they tend to be long and I work on them in between "real work," I 'save' them frequently. Some of them very frequently. This never resulted in unintended publication, so no, I don't think hitting 'save' too many times will cause this. I think it's entirely based on the "magic word" moderation. I'd agree that just because the auto-moderation kicks in shouldn't result in a different action than intended once the moderator releases the blog (i.e. 'publish' instead of 'save').

Active Contributor
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I have just tested that. It is not publishing when I press Save.

Here is the message :

I had also written a blog in About SCN, before posting I had saved the blog and then I had published it.

Active Contributor
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You can test the same once more ( you can try in your personal space).

Former Member
0 Kudos

It has never happened to me before. I'm assuming it is just a glitch. If no one else has ever seen this happen, I'm even prepared to believe I'm mis-remembering what I did, although I do often save/preview before publishing so I'm pretty sure about getting it right.

No harm done in this case, so perhaps it isn't a big deal if it is just me.
