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Problem opening an old eClass - with workaround

Active Contributor
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I couldn't get it to run on Chrome - daft popup saying "Presentation requires IE5 or later". IE11 also gets this message, but by adding in compatability settings it worked fine.

What kind of page has this kind of check!

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Answers (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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This video content was created a few years ago using Window Media Producer utilizing Window's media streaming capabilities.  This is only fully supported in IE and newer versions of it thru compatibility mode, as you have discovered.  Some users have had success with FireFox using a Window's streaming media plugin.

Former Member
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Would SCN be able to provide the original video files as a separate download?

Or host them on a website that works on all modern browsers?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Many of these are more complex than a regular video: the have a stream of the presenter, table of contents to navigate and the main screen with a demo or slides.  There are no resources and not enough demand at last check to convert these to a suitable replacement.

Active Contributor
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Not enough demand?! All the ABAP eLearning content Thomas Jung created before he got swallowed by HANA wave should be put in a shrine somewhere.