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Posted blog in SAP Workflow; does not appear in Communications

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I posted a blog in the 'Sap Business Workflow' space and it appeared there immediately.

However, the blog does not appear in the 'Communications' of other SCN users who are following 'SAP Business Workflow'

(it does appear in my Communications, probably because I posted it).

This was reported to me by the other Workflow SCN users.

This is actually the third time this has happened. Am I doing something wrong? Please advise.


Paul Bakker

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
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There's a difference between following and tracking on SCN.  Follow affects the activity stream while you must be tracking content or a space if you want that to also appear in communications.

So, following is not enought if they want to see notification in communication: they must also click Track in Communications from the actions box on

Some documentation on this:

Tracking routes activity from individual documents, discussions, and places into your Communications page, where you'll see it alongside @mentions, direct messages, discussions you contributed to, and any other activity that you're directly involved in. The Communications page alerts you of how many new items you have, and also lets you read-track your updates so you can be sure of reading everything that comes in. Click Track in Communications in the Action menu for any item you want to track. To stop tracking it, just click Stop Tracking. The updates you have will stay in your Communications, but no new updates will be shown there. (Note that if you track a space, you won't also be tracking its subspaces.)

Following filters your activity stream so you see the people, places, and items you're interested in, but without the urgency of tracking. Just click Follow in the Action menu for any item that interests you. As the people and groups you follow create new documents and make discussions or blog posts, and as documents you follow are updated, any updates about them will flow into your Activity page under Followed Activity. You can use following to keep up with people, places, and documents you're interested in, but not absolutely required to keep up with. To stop following an item, click Following so the button changes to Follow.

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Oliver Kohl had replied to in this discussion

that it is by design that a blog will not appear in communications stream

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Thanks Jurgen, I just read that other thread. You state it very nicely:

"I get everything you mentioned in my communications stream, I even get documents, but no blogs. which means i  can immediatly see when people post documents instead of discussions, but I dont get the blogs that are posted instead of discussions."

I don't see confirmation in that thread that this is by design. Why exclude blogs only? Surely it's a bug.

I am one of the users who can't see Paul's blog in my Communications stream. I am tracking SAP Workflow and have been doing so for months.


Rick Bakker

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<mock horror> My fans can't see my blogs! </mock_horror>

Rick has confirmed that he is tracking Sap Business Workflow and does not see my blogs (I  have posted 3 in the last four weeks).

I also track Sap Business Workflow myself (I know this because in my Actions box it currently has the option 'Stop tracking') and I never see Jocelyn Dart's wonderful blogs until she mentions them in a discussion.

So is this a bug or a (lousy) feature? Can you fix it?



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I believe the correct answer Oliver gave in that thread might be what's important here:

"Can you please try to unfollow and follow again that space? IIRC there was a non resolvable issue where this was required to activate mail sending in case you have been already subscribed to that space."

If I understand correctly, the fix that was applied works for everyone who follows a space AFTER the fix was applied, but for everyone else, if you're already following a space, the fix doesn't help until you unfollow the space and follow it again. It's not pretty, I admit, but it should work.

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Hi Audrey,

That's a great idea. I untracked the forum, turned tracking back on, logged out and logged back in.

The blog doesn't appear but maybe the fix will only work for new blogs. Well worth a try. I'll let this thread know what happens.



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Today I see that the blog in question has appeared in my Communications, in the form of

"Joe Blow commented on....".

This is progress, other people had previously commented on the blog (which I haven't looked at yet, for the purpose of this experiment) and that had not appeared in my Communications.

Hopefully new blogs will now also appear. I'll wait for the next one.

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So success for me, after I unfollowed and follwed the MM space again. Today somebody posted 7 blogs instead of discussions, they did not appear in my Communications.

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Did you mean to write "No success for me"?

Paul has since posted another blog and it does show up in my Communications.

Active Contributor
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Uups, a typo. I meant NO, no success for me.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Blogs need to be tracked separately if you want them to appear in communications.

Active Contributor
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Thanks Jason. But this was as well in place.

I now unfollowed the blog in

and untracked it too, then I clicked follow and tracking again.

Let's see if this will work.

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Now it is working for me, I can see the blogs

Unfortunately all not worth the bytes used.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Great! (That it works)

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Active Contributor
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Hello Paul,

It doesn't seem that you did something wrong, it happens to me too.

I follow several spaces, but do not get the blogs in communcation stream either.

Just found that it was a bug and got fixed in 5.0.2 version of Jive, but I do not know which version SAP runs:

Former Member
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hi i post some dought but it is locked? why? how to release the lock

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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This would explain it but the blog is not locked.