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Post Rejection!

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Dear Moderators,

I really would like to highlight this matter and want it to be considered in a good faith. Today i've posted in this particular thread against which my submission has been rejected. The reason behind the rejection was for not providing context against the link provided. I assume that if the link is self-explanatory then whats the point of writing context that why it's useful because OP is mature enough to understand the guidance he/she has been provided with. SCN is all about helping each other, we are here to share and learn using give and take policy in a positive way then why such act has been taken place. Also, i can share alot of examples in which OP has been guided with a single thread then why my this submission has been rejected. It's really disappointing for me to see this again and again. Sharing sample snapshots for the same and this time i need a satisfactory answer from the respectable senior Members and Mentors. Thanks.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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I could be wrong but the text in your posting that was rejected reads to me as if you are referring to another person's reply in the same thread.

You said: "Please refer to the reply of Aeda N in this thread"

I can interpret that in two ways.  The first is that Aeda N's reply is in the same thread I am commenting on.  In which case why would you even post that.  But reading it quickly, (as mods have many threads to read through), I might think you are posting to game the system.

But it can be also interpreted as a reply in a totally different thread. 

That's why you need to put something extra in the reply. 

I have referenced other threads and replies as you did. But usually I'll either explain what they can expect in the thread and/or admonish the OP for not searching.  I'll say something like "this is a common question, did you even try to google it?  I did and found the following relevant threads. Please read through these and come back if you have any questions that can't be answered from these."

It might alienate some folks and they might get ticked off, but if you're not here for the points/gameification, you shouldn't be concerned.


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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Because the forum rules clearly ask for it, and looking at your earned badges you should have read the rules

  • Create context. A simple link is not enough to answer a forum post. Tell people why the link is helpful. Similarly, a blog post needs more than just a link to another blog post or web site to make it useful. 

Do you open any link that comes unexplained into your email inbox? it could be a pishing mail.

What is the use of just posting links, it is spoon feeding.

Better tell the people how they can find such content their selves.

Investigate some older discussion which have links to other discussions which have again links to other discussions which ha....

if you know the answer, then explain it directly.

If it is so easy to find existing answers ,then click abuse, because the user failed to search and had not taken care that his question is unique (which is another forum rule)

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just want to add that the rules have a date of Feb 6, 2012 3:52 PM

while your bad example is from 2009

Maybe this bad examples were the trigger to make the rules like they are today

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Sir, should i then give you a very fresh example?

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Does it help? What do you want to proof? that the moderators do not read any content in a forum?

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Sir, kindly have a look over this thread. Can share alot more. Not here to prove anything but question arises that why the Rules are only for few ones and not for rest of the people???

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I certainly agree that this looks inconsistent, but I dont know if SD moderators had seen it, maybe this is just example which will result in a point reduction that may occur next week when the moderators become aware of this.

Your link was enough explained in that discussion, just wondering why you do not do it this way all the time.

I am not sure if you can imagine how much is going through moderation every day.

I had about 50 discussion in MM yesterday, I would say about 30 were posted by people who are under pre-moderation

each discussion gets between 1 and 10 replies during the day, where again probably half of the replies is from people under pre-moderation (maybe just asking further or explaining their initial question)

so you can easily calculate - let us assume an average of 3 replies - then there are 150 replies, half of them going through moderation is 75

75 + 30 questions is 105

And this has to be approved by volunteer moderators who have their normal work for their employer.

How much time is left then to read any other discussion and reply that has not gone through moderation?

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Rules are for all. Some break them, and of these, some get caught. Just like in real life.

If you want to help the good cause, please use the "report abuse" link if you find rule violations that were not yet discovered.


Former Member
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Hello Sir,

Sorry for delayed response. Well my intention was not to blame Moderators at all but just to have a clear understanding that Rules are for everyone and there should be Fair Moderation with every Member and User. I'm quite aware that the job of Moderator’s have never been so easy in such a large space like SCN but Moderator should not decide about the user based on one side of the coin and i hope that you will understand my concern in this regard.

Like you said in the previous interaction that there are a lot of threads and posts which Moderators have to check or in other words moderators gotta huge volume of work then I would say that there should be more Moderators or SAP Mentors or there should be any other way out in which moderators can check and verify the content with some ease and comfort.

Rest I have no intentions to hurt anyone so please don’t take it in a wrong way and correct me if I am wrong. I always try to follow community rules strictly and will try to follow them in future too and hope everyone will do the same but with a positive attitude. Thanks, stay blessed.

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Mentors have no moderator rights, except they are nominated as moderators too.

SCN is everyones responsibility, and moderators need the help of the users too. Many eyes see more than two. Report abuse and add a comment and the moderator will certainly have to look into this thread.

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FYI. You post was reported abuse by regular contributor, not by Moderator.

Best Wishes, JP

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SCN is everyones responsibility, and moderators need the help of the users too.

Nice words sir and I agreed that we are all here for sharing knowledge and learning and we (Members & Moderators) should be cooperative and adhere to forum rules always. Everyone has some responsibilities and one should always be honest with himself and also with community.


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* Ammarah *
but question arises that why the Rules are only for few ones and not for rest of the people???
While Mr.Jurgen has reduced my load considerably by clarifying to all your queries (thanks to him), for the above query, I can only tell that it is certainly not the intention of any Moderator to keep soft corner to any particular member and act vice versa to other member.  Rules are always common to all and sometimes, as rightly, Jurgen has said, it would miss our attention.  Though many times, I have indicated this that in a forum where you post, almost 50 threads are being posted daily by newbies and if we want to moderate each and every thread, it is highly impossible.  Even I am responding this thread after mindnight (local time 1.00 am).  Hope you understand the methodology of moderation and the constraints we undergo.
G. Lakshmipathi
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Dear Sir,

Thank you for the kind info and i believe my that thread should have been treated the way it has been treated in this one by the Moderator but its okay no worries at all.

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Dear Sir,

I do agree that SCN is everyone's responsibility and the rules pertain to everyone, no one is exempted at all. I can understand well that failure to adhere to these rules can cost much and will try to follow the same in a more restrictive way. Thanks.

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Dear Sir,

I really appreciate your consideration in this matter and can understand well that sometimes things can get missed in such a large space like SCN as Moderators are extremely busy and have to manage SCN Forums apart from their Professional and Family Life. Once again thank you for your concern. Stay Blessed.