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points if a document moved from one area to another

0 Kudos

Hi friends

usually when a document is posted in wrong area

at time posting document 10 points is rewarded and since it is posted in wrong area moderator request to move and 10 points minus

when the document moved to new area no new points is rewarded ifsuppose for some reason moved document is rejected

then the document posted lead to have a minus of 10 points which he had before posting a document

how scn system overcome these kind of issue



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Please note the resources in covering topics on submitting content to SCN in the correct spaces, especially the .

When creating a support query in (I don't know why this thread wasn't created there), please quote the URLs or links to the content you are referring to.  However, for rejected content, I recommend creating a support case via e-mail because the of sensitive details concerning the reasons for rejection that should not be discussed in a public forum. You'll find a link on the site footer to the contact us page.

0 Kudos

Hi jason

now the rejection is not a problem , if a document is moved to from one area to another

suppose a to b , in A you will reduce point , when the content is moved to b , points should be given in B

am i correct



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

If the content was only moved and not rejected, your points total should remain the same. Of course, there is a points removal on the expertise card where the content was moved from.

Please share links to the content your concerned about so it can be looked into without speculating.

0 Kudos


i posted a document in MM Module 10 points was added and they told it is Abap related document and rejected in MM  and  so minus 10 points and asked to moved to abap

now when moving i did have any addition points and in ABAP they rejected now again minus 10 points

i experienced the same issue in



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

These were all rejected, hence the loss of points.  You should have received information about why they were rejected.  This might be because it was in the wrong space and cannot be moved or something against the rules of engagement.  Have a look here:

This is as much feedback that can be provided here.  If you have additional queries, I recommend you handle this offline by e-mailing support: see Contact Us on the site footer.

0 Kudos

The problem not rejection or loss points

for a document i got 10 and when rejected i lost 20 points

let me contact you offline

thanks for support



Answers (2)

Answers (2)

0 Kudos

Hello Leo,

I manage the point system on SCN. I looked into your records and saw that several of your documents were rejected by Moderators. In these cases you got 10 points when you published them, then 10 points were removed when they were rejected as part of the "alert moderator" functionality. This is the expected behavior and you didn't lose extra points this way.

** Edit a few hours later ** I was wrong. I forgot that, indeed, when content is rejected 10 points are removed, but if the author resubmits the content again and it is rejected again, the author loses an extra 10 points that he/she never got. I knew about this but forgot. Sorry about that. And thank you for reminding me. The best thing to do is to follow the suggestions provided by the moderators so that the second post is not rejected again.

You have one document showing in your profile under "content" and this document was created in the Logistics and Materials Management space, which is also the space where it resides today. So I don't think this document was moved, and anyway the only issue we know we have with moving content is that the points stay where the content originated from. There is no point loss per se.



0 Kudos

Hi Laura

thanks for response , i agree

is it possible to change the way of providing points in scn ,



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Generally moderator should reject when a document posted in wrong space and give the reason for rejection..

I am saying just because of it not a moderator duty to move the document or blog to appropriate space...

If moderator reject the blog or document, then OP can re post the document or blog to correct space...

When a user create a discussion in wrong space, then moderator can move the discussion to another forum...

0 Kudos

Here the problem

when a document is rejected , if i move a document moved by myself also to correct post no points will be rewarded am i correct

in that correct place if they reject another 10 points will be reduced

here the problem is u are not rewarde any points but it will tend to have a reduce of 10 points from ur already total points

so some steps to be taken to system it

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

You have to follow the correct way...

When a blog is rejected, it will goes to your draft..

Then copy the blog content and go to the correct forum, and create a new blog and paste the content..

The post the blog... your 10 points will be added immediately and then when blog will reject from the correct space then again your 10 points will be removed..

(Note: Don't use "u" instead of "you", its against The SCN Rules of Engagement)

0 Kudos


ok without knowing i did , now how can i retain my reduced points



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

You can't do anything for that...

Create a discussion in SCN support forum with briefly explain about your movement of document...

(But I assume you can't get your answer right now, because today's is Saturday and blackout day is going from today to 18th march for Holi. So I suggest create this discussion after 18th march.)

0 Kudos


let me wait , i may not be only one whose lose point like these

let me keep these post open , so some alternative way may be

because i did like these for three documents and i lost around additional 30 points

it also make me if i create a document and post wrongly i will tend to loose more points

so it is like demotivating to create a documents since i lost 30 additional points



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I can understand....

But next time you can follow the way, which I have provided.. You will not face any issue...