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Performance of SCN platform

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hey guys,

i noticed a very bad performance from time to time in the past days. For example i tried to write a blog yesterday and the day before, but the saving of blog content or using some functions like uploading pictures were very very slow.

I also included the corresponding RSS feed on my website and it took very long (round about 10 - 15 secs from time to time) just for loading a RSS feed.

Does anybody else notice such behavior?



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Stefan,

I'm not aware of any specific performance issues from the last days, but we are working on general performance enhancements. Hopefully it will get better in the weeks to come.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Being in touch with an external user of my spaces (2418/19) today he complained the weak performance and dramatically slow response time of SCN as I have noticed it too since last week.It is definitely not acceptable to wait one minute or more when changing tab views or any other operation.

Please take this serious and clarify the nature of this incovenience in order to define a path and timeline to recover!

Thanks, Randolf

0 Kudos

Hi Randolf,

Our DB server reaches its limits during peak times. We're working to extend the capacity with a new setup. Improvement should be available in two weeks.

Best regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks and good to know!

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
0 Kudos

The achievement is definitely visible but still needs improvement for a joyful interaction, in particular for customer experience.Thanks for taking this serious and keep on moving!

0 Kudos

We've extended the capacity of our DB server. This should help to avoid performance degradation during peak times. Beyond peak times we don't expect much effect in this case, but we're continuously analyzing the performance and looking what can be improved.

There is no general goal for page loads, as pages are different, e.g. response time sums up on data collection for complex overview pages, while simple pages are faster and the goal is to bring them below 3 seconds in average.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Stefan,

we took some actions on the DB level over the weekend. Would be interesting to hear from you if the overall performance improved.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Oliver,

seems to be a much better user experience nowadays. The RSS feed is much faster as well. Currently not writing a blog, but the other areas are much faster.

Good job guys.



Former Member
0 Kudos

I'd say about a 30% increase in performance from my desk, which is good news.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Still some way to go on performance I'd say, though much better than it has been - lately it's taken 20-30 seconds. < 9 seconds to load.

Search took > 15s to load.

It seems to be a bit random - sometimes much faster than other times. Is this a cacheing issue, depending on the content most in cache? Something that can be solved with more hardware? Running HANA as the DB for Jive?

Do you have a goal for page loads, say 5 seconds?