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Notifications don't work

Active Contributor


I'm experiencing a problem with Notifications and Activity stream. When I log in, I don't see any notifications and this functionality doesn't work for the most of the day. Then, suddenly, it's being brought to life by some mysterious force only to stop working the day after, etc., etc. This situation continues for the last 10 days or so. I'm using Firefox 45.6.0.

It's unnecessary to emphasize that without Notifications, it's impossible to work on the platform.

Thanks for checking it out...



P.S. I'll have a problem even to follow feedback on this very thread 😞

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Answers (5)

Active Contributor

It's working more or less stable on desktop with FF 50.1.0 (only once it was some delay with update).

And it's not working for number of days with iPad Safari!

Active Contributor

...and I dare to ask if someone from SCN is aware of the problem and working to solve it out?

Active Contributor

It depends on the prioritization 🙂

But in general it looks like the Community development team is not performing tests on different browser versions/platforms.


Hello Eli,

Can you please check if you can access the Activity Stream and Notifications? There was a fix rolled out on production today. I can access from my IOS device.


Sajid Amir

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It's working since yesterday. I put a comment on my thread under using.SAP tag.

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Doesn't work on Chrome.

Just how bad can this new web site get.

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FYI, I have the same problem on Chrome on a Mac. I just deleted all caches and cookies and restarted to get the notification popup for about 10 seconds. Now I am back to no notifications. For whatever reason regular Safari on the Mac works.

0 Kudos

Hello Eli,

I am not aware of any such issues with Notifications today or recently. Could you kindly elaborate further? How are you confirming that you do not have any new notifications and that those are not being shown? Do you mean that you are not receiving notifications when other's are commenting on your content? If there a specirfic type of notification you are not seeing? If you can provide me with specifics that would help with the investigation and detect the bug.


Sajid Amir

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Hello Sajid,

The problem was raised not only by me, but by some other users. Check, for example, this thread.

Here is the screen, that I'm getting:



Active Contributor

Can you open Safari on iPad/iPhone?

Login to Community an go to notifications or Activities.

You will see EMPTY lists!

Is it so hard to check???

This issue was reported number of days ago...

P.S. Why nobody is testing the site on iOS devices?

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I suspect that this is a common issue between desktop FF 45.6.0 and mobile Safari...

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Vadim I am aware of the issue on mobile devices. This has been identified as an issue and will be investigated. Thanks for raising it.

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It was reported 4 !!! days ago:

When it "will be investigated"?

0 Kudos

Hello Eli,

I am aware that this is an issue on mobile devices. I was not aware that this is also an issue for desktop browsers. I am a Chrome user so was not aware that this is happening. I also tested with my FF but mine is a more updated version than yours so I cannot reproduce on a desktop browser. However, I have tested on mobile devices (safari) and it seems to be a problem there. IT is investigating and will update once we have a solution.

Thanks for raising the concern and sharing with the community. I believe the thread you shared discusses other issues in depth (even Vadim's and your comments there on this issue).

Would you be able to use a different browser in the meantime we perform these investigations?


Sajid Amir

0 Kudos

We apologize for the delay Vadim. But I hope you will be patient as there was a weekend in between. And with the different time zones that we work on it can be very difficult to coordinate such quick fixes.

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It is an issue linked to a browser, indeed. From the comments of other users (especially, Vadim), I already got this idea. The problem is that at my current site, I cannot use anything, but FireFox; hence, I'm basically stuck.

Active Contributor

To my mind this is a serious bug resulting in critical functionality missing on iOS devices. And this bug is the result of not testing the changes on iOS devices before applying changes to the production system!

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Get a portable Firefox ESR 45.6.0 (this is the latest version, Firefox ESR is intended to be used for large organizations, not the common Firefox 50.1.0, which is targeting consumers) and it is available here: Set the browser to use private browsing mode by default, set Accept cookies from sites = 'X', set Accept third-party cookies = Never. Use this link: to log in with e-mail/password. Look at the message "HTTP Status 400 - Service Provider endpoint saml2/sp/acs could not redirect to original application URL because it could not get the RelayState value from the request.". Then reload the page, because there is no other way to get to your Activity stream. Try to display Activity stream and notifications - I get blank page. Open developer tools on Network. Reload the page. Look at status code 400 for

Show it to an experienced web developer, he should be able to understand what status code bad request means.

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No changes! Working on iPad today and notifications are still missing! It's absolutely unprofessional not to fix this bug in the reasonable time!

0 Kudos

Hello Vadim,

We have prioritized this issue and IT is working on a fix at the moment. It will be rolled out as soon as possible.

Thanks for being patient with us.

0 Kudos

Vadim, on a different note I did not get a notification for this comment that you posted. This is because you commented on your own comment instead of on mine! If you would like the user to be notified of your response, please make sure to use the comment on the post you are responding to. Just wanted to make you aware

Active Contributor

Now you yourself see the issue with notifications on comments! The notification logic has to be changed! Nobody will use some not obvious rules!

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No changes for me either... Still working without Notifications, which is completely inefficient. I'll make a pause of couple of days to see if the problem is resolved.

Moshe Naveh

Mirko Friedrich

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Hello Eli,

I am afraid we do not have @mentions. so Moshe and Mirko cannot be notified in this manner. I have shared this issue with them already and they are aware of it. Like I said a fix will be implemented as soon as possible.


Sajid Amir

Active Contributor
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This is another bad news... I somehow thought that this functionality was preserved. 😞

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Again, changing the Notification rule here would not necessarily help if users keep using the wrong features. We can take this up again once the upcoming AH ui changes are rolled out. If we still see this problem persisting we can re-open the discussion on this.

Active Contributor

It will help if the correct logic of notifications will be implemented! I am writing the same thing already many times...

If some person has participated in some question (with answer or comment) then this user has to be notified about all new content for this question since he provided first answer/comment. Any other logic makes notifications useless.

And without notifications about new content I will be unable to answer questions in a reasonable time. Then users asking questions will be not satisfied and simply stop using the Community.

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Sajid, it would be nice to know if the issue is understood and a fix is on it's (long?) way or if the issue still is to be investigated and we could help by e.g. posting our F12 findings.

I personally have the following experience

  • bug on current Chrome Desktop on Win7
  • no bug on IE11 Win7
  • no bug on Edge on Win Mobile 10 (yes its me who is using it)




Hello Lutz. The issue has been identified and a fix has been applied to the qa landscape already. However, it cannot be rolled out on production yet due to some concerns and pre conditions that need to be met according to IT.

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I don't see this one reported in the discussion - notifications/activity stream are blank also on Firefox 50.1.0, Linux Mint 17.2, 32-bit, unless you allow 3rd-party cookies.

I hope that whatever solution the IT team found, will solve this problem as well.

Unlike Eli, my activity stream remains blank all the time.

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For me it was just two moments of 'awakening'. Now, it's blank for me also for about 10 days already. So, I have no follow-up on remarks/comments made on my feedback 😞 That goes for activity stream as well as for notifications.

0 Kudos

Hello Vadim,

I am afraid our decision has not changed regarding this so far. I have shared your concerns with IT to reconsider this. If we allow notifications for all other 'answers' then the user would receive too many notifications. We are looking into other ways to accommodate such a feature. This would allow users to chose which questions they would like to 'turn on notifications' for - thus enabling your requested notification. I will share when more updates are available.

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I can't comment directly on your answer due to stupid limitations on comments!

"the user would receive too many notifications" - absolutely incorrect idea! The user will receive the same number of notifications like the question author! NO ISSUES!

Please enable common sence!

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Can't we make a small compromise then?
Following a tag:

* if the user is a moderator of the primary tag - getting notifications on asked questions.

* if the user is not a moderator of the primary tag - get notifications on asked questions, auto-released from moderation + questions, released from moderation.

Following a question (two possible ways to do that - pressing the button "Follow" and auto-follow by comment/answer):
* notifications on all answers and comments for the followed question, for which the user has sufficient rights (regular users won't get notified for comments by a moderator with a visibility moderator-only or viewable by a different user).
Un-follow should be possible both on question level (for auto-follow and manual follow) and on tag level.
I don't care much about up/down votes and likes - in case I am following a tag or question, I would expect these to be controlled by a setting per user (switch on/off extended notification settings) - switched off by default.
@Vadim: I think, that you broke the record for a comment with least width - 137px out of 1920px max - less than 7% of my horizontal screen estate.
And, of course, I can't comment on the correct comment for the same reason - can we get rid of comments/answers hierarchical view already?

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@Veselina! Trying to create a new record! 🙂

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Except Vadim think of your example. You have 18 questions and 486 answers. You currently get notifications for answers published on 18 of your OWN questions. Notifying you on ALL other answers submitted in 486 questions you have participated in really would overwhelm your Notifications inbox.

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Yes, I want to get notifications about all questions where I have participated!