on 2015 Nov 13 12:29 PM
Hello there!
In our last meeting of the Reputation Advisory Group I got the information that there will be no "status updates" feature in the new SCN solution and that I should voice my opinion about that in this space.
So here I am to ask if this is already set in stone or if that plan could change, if just somebody would point out the usefulness of it? Being one of those people who uses the status updates very much, let me be its advocate.
I know it's kind of a small feature and not a lot of people seem to use it, but I can honestly say that my network of people in the community would not be as rich, wide and diverse, if I had not started sharing and participating in status updates.
There is no other place in SCN where you can quickly and directly share thoughts, ideas, rants, vents, jokes or information like this. It's like my own little place in the community with a big cosy couch and people come by and we talk and joke a bit and then everybody goes back to what they've done before, but a bit richer and better in thought or mood or whatever.
Through status updates I've met a lot of new people here on SCN, that I've normally not would have been in contact with, because our "areas of expertise" are so different. And they helped me not just to meet people, but to get to know them a little better and as such I grew closer to some and formed a great peer group. All this was possible because of the small, mostly overlooked feature of "status updates". And don't get me started on all the cool things I learned through the discussions that spread from a simple, little status update.
It is my direct and best connection to the community, it is what gives me that nice community spirit and warm fuzzy feeling. SCN is so big and filled with so much information and people that it is great to have a little quiet (and sometimes not to quiet) corner of it to meet and discuss all kind of different things and not going big about it and creating a new thread. Fleeting thoughts don't need a thread. Jokes or random "Look at this!" stuff don't need a thread. But they need a place to be shared IMO and the status updates are perfect for it.
So as you can image I was kind of shocked when informed us that there was no plan to include this feature (is there another word for this, I feel like I'm wearing it out) in the new platform.
Is there a technical reason? Or just the "nobody uses it anyway" thought? I can say for my growing peer group that it is indeed used. A lot. And it's important for us. IMO it's the most community-building thingy you have on here.
Request clarification before answering.
It was not said that it is out of scope. It will not be there in the beginning and added later, it is not important enough to postpone a GoLive if it is not in place.
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Jürgen to the rescue! I just listened to the recording of the last Strategic Advisory Committee meeting and found the same info.
So, yeah, it's not a show stopper of course, but in our meeting it sounded like it wasn't going to be there at all. That's why I created this love letter to status updates in the first place. *g*
As long as it will be added I'm happy (even though it will probably be hard to not be able to post updates for several months, especially in the new environment where there are so many things to talk about and share in the beginning).
will be relieved, too, I guess.
Coffee Corner, I would have thought there will be a tag for that?
I support this wholeheartedly and am willing to pawn all my Emeralds (looks like they'll be lost anyway) to get this done rather sooner than later.
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And from a priority sense, there are several big ticket items that must be addressed before any new community go-live can even be considered feasible. Every time I see the SSO problem with varying headers and having to manually click to force logins makes me feel like the 'community' as a whole is incomplete. Losing spaces as a default/automatic logical group tag is another one, and without tags/tag cloud being integrated into search we have gone totally unstructured with random content. I could go on, but not wanting to hijack this thread - fully supporting your emphasis on community spirit.
I think I need to apologize for causing unnecessary distress. I fully meant to say that status updates are not included in the launch set of functionality, i.e. are out of scope for launch, but it appears I said they were not included at all. Sorry for the confusion!
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What I will say is that I totally appreciate your write-up above, because it gives an eloquent picture of how important the social aspects of our platform really are for that community feeling. And feeling part of a community is a big reason many people participate here. So it was totally worth it!
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