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New Wiki Contributor

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I would like to start contributing to the Wiki but have not been able to. I essentially have two problems:

1) Unlike in the recorded training in the wiki help I do not get an edit button appearing next to the tools button when I log in.

2) I do however have a create button but when I go to create most of the spaces are missing. For example I don't have the option to create in the ABAP development space the first on the list being Adobe Interactive forms (Japanese).

I've looked around the wiki help page and can't find anything that would explain this issue. As i said I would like to become a new contributor so I'm guessing that there is just something simple step I missed but i can't seem to find any documentation explaining what. Do I need some approval from some moderator before the edit button appear? None of the pages I was trying to edit said they had restrictions on them.

Thanks in advance,


P.S This might not be the best space to metion this but the link on the wiki homepage to named "wiki" after FAQ on the right hand side appears to be broken. At least it won't load for me.

@moderators - I had this post rejected earlier. The explanation I got was that it was a duplicate. I had posted it originally in the about SCN space and then I posted a copy and paste here as I thought it was a better space for this question but didn't know how to move it. I'm hoping that was the only reason it was marked as a duplicate and not just because this is explained somewhere else on the SCN because there was no explanation as to where I could find the original explanation if that was the case. I'm posting this here again because it seems that when my post was rejected as a duplicate both post were removed At least I've looked and can't find either. If I'm doing something wrong here lease let me know. Thanks

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Jamie

where do you find the link to ?

Do you see create button on top left beside => Spaces => Browse ?

Please - let me know where you want to contribute content

KR - Wolfgang

Former Member
0 Kudos

I can no longer see the broken link. It was marked as FAQ on the left but as I say I can't see it anymore. As I said above I can see the create button but not the edit button and when I go to create a new entry I am offered a very reduced list of space in which to create it.

My immediately objective was to contribute an article to the ABAP space and maybe add it to the ABAP tips and tricks page.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Jamie

please try again

KR - Wolfgang

Former Member
0 Kudos

No same result. When i go to create the first space available in the alphabetical list  is "Adobe Interactive forms (Japanese)". I've refreshed the page a few times as well.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Try: Wiki FAQ - Wiki - SCN Wiki

(Changed "sdn" in URL to "scn")

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks Wolfgang for sending me the link to request to become an editor.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Now I've got the corect url for the FAQs I thinkmost of my querries are actually answered there. If anyone with access reads this it would be great to add the link to the wiki homepage. Thanks all

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos


Can you please reach out to me via Email? I will help you get the needed permissions.

My Email can be found in my business card.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks I will do